Support 'Minutes to Midnight' Yourself!


New member
Saw this done on a fan site for another musician but it didn't really get as big as I hope it will here. Help get the word out about the new CD coming out, away from the computer, by creating anything, whether it decorating your car, binder, a shirt, or anything else creative you can come up with. If you do then, post a picture of your creation. Have fun.

I'll post my pics later.

And, sorry if this should be in the fan art section. Wasn’t sure were to put this at.



New member
I hope you don't mind me using your sig as a banner for my myspace page.
Yeah sure I don't mind you using it, just as long as you keep my name on it.

What I did was make a banner and stuck it on my car. Here's the pics:

^^ thats awesome!

cool idea andrea!

*thinks about what she could do*

edit: im gonna do some own patches!! :D

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New member
Today I got about 5 post-it notes and wrote Linkin Park: Minutes to Midnight, May 15th 07 on them and stuck it to a couple of my friends backs but diddnt tell them. Hmm wonder if that worked for promotion...
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