Sygy's Journal


New member
Way hay, i thought that i would start my own little journel thingy cause it looks fun.

27th aug

Today was really hot so i went out to oxford street to look at pretty dresses. i fould a really nice skirt in urban outfitters but i couldn't afford it. Most annoyingly my mum came with me. so all she did was walk about her work and how much she hates my dad. Well i don't know how doesn't hate my dad because he's a ****.

So i decided, seeing as it was hot and i was going somewhere cool, to wear this really pretty BoHo dress which i brough at Camden Lock. Omg, At. camdem lock i saw MCR. it was so cool. :thumbsup:

Then my mum got oissed at me for talking to a boy. her face was like: :eek:

She downstairs right now.

I'm ****** off my dad has buggered off to romania to stay with his stupid little gf. i told him that if he ever marrys her i will no longer talk to him.

This evening has been stressfull. I have Tara Msning me asking me if i'm ****** at jimmy. It's like: yeah i'm ****** at her. that girl's a *****. i think i hate her so much because i use to love her. love and hate are the same. they both make to obbesse over the person.

So anyway, tara just won't get a hint. My dog id being difficult downstairs, my cat is sleeping peacefully on my bed and my other cat is out some where.



New member
sry about your parents. Must be annoying.

My mom reacts the same when I talk to a boy. Just ignore it.

Hope you feel better.




New member
my dad has been away for 2 days in another country and still hasn't called me. Talk about parental compassion.

I think i'm going for a 3 party in brighton tommorrow but in not sure. i mean i was invitede and everything but Jacob's gonna be there and that will be really stresfull. apprently he's been talking about me. i really hate people talking about me. which reminds me that if i go i must buy some alchohol preferabley Bacardi or some sherry or white wine. i dont want to get to drunk. They perhaps i buy some Marlboro, menthol. or course.( doesn't make you smell so bad). I must remember that if i go to brighton i mustn't have any more intoxicated adventures in my friend's backgarden. Because last time i fell over and it really hurt. I also must remember to bring comfortable shoes.

I want to me met up with some people today. Maybe Taylin or Fausta. then we can all **** off to King's road. I really am in the mood to going to Portabello, Notting Hill or Ad hoc, or maybe The lock again. Or South Side.

I got my School report. It was the usaul all Bs and one A. They said i did alright. Just that i must improve my handwriting and arrive on time. my maths has improved. But this year only 52% of students passed there Gcse. I hope they my year does better. I have already started reviseing for my forst chemitry mod in Nov.



New member
i swear i can't take it anymore with that *****. so she doesn't call me after commong back from holiday which is rude. so she starts bashing me on planetzot forums. then she starts bashing me to all my friends and making them not like me anymore. then she starts going on about how she wants to kill herself and it's really unfair, because she just a faker and a lier. and it's causing me stress and i don't know what to do and when i go back to school everyone is going to make my life **** and bully me all because she is a little ring leader. She and all her friends all take hard drugs and just because i wanted out they all hate me. omg, i'm so stressed i think i'm going die or commit suicide.

How can she do that to me, she knows how much pain i go through everyday. she knows how much stress is in my life and how can she do that? what's her ******* problem. ***!!!!!!



New member
i used to know people who were mean to me....someone was mean to them back and then i became cool

so i hope that someone stops them for bullying you.



New member
omg, i was so stressed. so my mum was like. Sygy's i think you should start taking your anti-stress pills again. so i took one. for like the first time in a year. ***, i forgot how sleepy they make me feel. i feel asleep so quickly, which was funny because my mum was talking to me when i fell asleep. and i was in her bed so she didn't move me. So anyway, i have to take on after every meal. they taste really gross.

Yesterday i was so stressed that i could eat. i cant eat very much today. so my mum has just been making me small snack-sixed meals.

Tara came back from Iran, i talked to her for about half an hour them she brought up Deborah/Jimmy so i said that i had to go because i could feel my stress level rising.



New member
Hi Sygy. Welcome to the journal world haha :)

I'm sorry you feel stressed, is there anything you can do to make it better?

Take care of yourself.




New member
Too much work. Too much stress.

So basically, i going to go to a party next's going to be loadsa fun. i going to east grinstead..i gonna buy loadsa of beer or malibu. Buy ****..menthol only coz i'm trying to repent. I cant beleive that Deborah banned me from going to Camden Lock. i really wanted to go to one of the lock parties. she also banned me from first night at the underworld.( first night is on the first sunday of every month there is a goth party with live local bands. we can get in but they wont let me buy alchol cause they know im only 14. I don't know why it's called first night seeing as it's during the day. It's also called subverse some times) But so i though, that ***** can't ban me from public places. she's not the law. so i'm going to go to the october one and bring loadsa people.

Got called by Jocab. my parentsboth hate him for like no reason. but hay!!!!!!



New member
okay, nothing much happening in my life apart from:

My crush trying to rape my best friend( the ***** got pretty close to it aswell)

Starting work, My first proper job. already got in trouble..How was i supose to know that you have to show up on time...sheesh!!!



New member
i wish CERTAIN people would not show up to my work place. Ok, some people are really evil i work in ******* oxfam, right and people steal from it!! how can some one steal from a charity shop?


New member
i would not care if it was poor people taking stuff but it's these bung of Green day obbessed punk-posers who are stealing stuff!! err...anger..

ohh can you keep a secret? Sygy did some thing very bad last night.........



New member
i jacked a bottle of archers from the corner shop.....

im so depressed...moans......Okay i cant stand my come he is like im a christain, im going to heavan, but Sygy your not. How come he can be an abusive arsehole but think that its OK because he goes to church every sunday. Why cant he see that he has ruin my life? Why cant he understand that he is the reason that im depressed. Does he think its actually OK to expose a child to the issues that he exposed to me? i wish he would just leave. he is half way out the door already. he has never been there for me anyway!

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