Sygy's Journal


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christains are so ******* is the one year anniversary of my atempted suicide...


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So this i what has happen today, i seem to have a rash in my mouth, i think its from smoking. my friend's baby tried to breast feed off me. it just grabbed my breast and started saying"mummummumm" i was like "narly!". i was really ***** today and i dont know why...yi feel asleep in history the teacher i so boring...OMG my maths AND Jewjitsu teachers both perved on me. my maths teacher was openly looking down my top and my jewjitsu teacher like pawed my chest, he said it was a "self defenssive move" i was like yeah right. i most embrassing thing happen today..this girl unhooked my bra in gym class it was soo horrible. i like went red. I had to face the wall and re-hook it.


New member
so this is what happened today and last night...i went striaght from school to notting hill with his girl called fausta and some one else cant remember her name was so munta. Anyho, we went to like a guy fawks party in some weird hippy communal garden ****, yeah,blad. Then i was like: woah..anyway it was good. i had a lot of fun. her brother is called Buck, retarded name i know. anyway her doggy woggy was so cute. he was a pug called boswell. Speaking of dogs my weena came back from the vets..she is the shinnzle now.....


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"I'm ****** off my dad has buggered off to romania"

now i know the whole story LOL



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^^it's about a conversation we had on Myspace ..and now i got to read the whole story about why her father came to Romania...that's all ;) ^^


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why what happened?
basically my da left me and my mum. now he lives in romania with his gf. i live romania its purdy. Hey Anca im going to Brasvo(sp) this dec!!!! :D

today. nothing much hppem got in a massive *****-fight woth his girl called Jessica. Basically she said " Sygy, you such an over fed brat".. the irony is that is is fatter than me. She is like a size 16 and im a size 12. so it was very funny. hehe...So i told her that she had an oversized mole on her ear..init!



New member
when you arrive give me a sign I'm planning a trip to Brasov for the hollidays too ....In December the prices are blowing up!! All things are like three or four more expensive...It's not worth to go there anymore (for romanian i mean....) but the skying is pretty cool :) It's beautiful......

Don't mind that girl..she's just beeing a *****!



New member
i know she is a *****! Today work was boring. had i semi mental brake down beacuse it was so dull!


New member
mon pere m'envere, je la detese. je le voudrias est a aller. hahah. mon pere ce cent mauvais a fond!!! il habite avec sa petit aime, fumer le grasse. hehehe
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