I don't like this forum and you where right if I don't like it then don't get on it. I think it was very rude on how you said it to me. You are the same age of me. And I can't believe a little fourteen year old cussing. I'm the same age as you and I would cry if I said a curse word. Not only would I cry my parents would wash my mouth out with soap and it's a sin against ***. Also' date=' it's idiotioc and it gets you no where in life except disrespect by your peers and yourself. Anyways I'm not your parents. I'm sorry if I offeneded Linkin Park to you. Also I play the clarinet and guitar and I'm in the marching band for my school. I read in your profile that you play the flute and piano. I don't want start anything with you and this is the last time I'm going to be on this forum it's to bad for me. Call me what you will but I don't like to hear or read cursing. By the way I use to love this Linkin Park song I couldn't think of the name of it though. Well, Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...........And Im Laura's mama....you should be ashamed of yourself for cursing another child..... Either your parents dont care or you hide it very well......please, show RESPECT for other kids that dont curse....*** Bless[/quote']look what she PMed me!!!!!!!