Sygy's Journal


New member
ha LOL yup they would've gave you ****

Me my parent's let me go all the time

their easy going I know that cause

I see other parent's more strict



New member
why is that me we don't have sleep over's here in my liitle **** hole

and that is cause we can go home

any time of the night and our parent's don't say ****



New member
^that was kinda

this what happened today.

maths sucked so did english. french was the shinnizle. i got to ***** with the teacher about other people in my class. that was fun then we watches a horrible video in PSE. basically it was the *** ed video. afterward my form tutor was like: if a boy pressures you just say no. then this little ***** turns to me and says: yeah sygy just say no. that hurt my feelings.

what else..ohh Hanna dumped Josh but you dont know who those people are anyway so.....sports was fun. i got to run about alot,screaming my head off. i liked the jumping exercise beacuase i was getting col and needed to be heated up. umm what else? i got an A on my history test. um..i hat an interesting talk with some girl about laveyism. what else? umm...i had salad for lunch and chips for dinner..oh ive gained weight. yeah i gotton a roll of fat on my tummy and my *** definatly is struggling to get into my jeans..hehehe..i need to go on a run.



New member
sorry if you had a bad day

and woah that *****! hope you kick her *** sometime

but have you ever concidered writing stories or something? cause I love the way you tell stories, so, Idk, blatant and to the point. I like that.



New member
im really bad at creative writing. i just cant do it. i use to be really in poetry but not anymore.

today, right know im totaly at my friends house. im using her computer. okay i got a peircing on my cartigle(sp) it hurt like ****. omf i saw thes girls bf crossing through swiss cottage and i hate him because he is a nasty piece of work anyway he was checking me out. i cant wai tto tell his gf



New member
I don't like this forum and you where right if I don't like it then don't get on it. I think it was very rude on how you said it to me. You are the same age of me. And I can't believe a little fourteen year old cussing. I'm the same age as you and I would cry if I said a curse word. Not only would I cry my parents would wash my mouth out with soap and it's a sin against ***. Also' date=' it's idiotioc and it gets you no where in life except disrespect by your peers and yourself. Anyways I'm not your parents. I'm sorry if I offeneded Linkin Park to you. Also I play the clarinet and guitar and I'm in the marching band for my school. I read in your profile that you play the flute and piano. I don't want start anything with you and this is the last time I'm going to be on this forum it's to bad for me. Call me what you will but I don't like to hear or read cursing. By the way I use to love this Linkin Park song I couldn't think of the name of it though. Well, Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...........And Im Laura's should be ashamed of yourself for cursing another child..... Either your parents dont care or you hide it very well......please, show RESPECT for other kids that dont curse....*** Bless[/quote']look what she PMed me!!!!!!!


New member
it like why is she telling me off and then randomly talking about what instruments we play in the middle. randomnes


New member
Yeah I kinda ignored the whole LP's wrong or w/e thread...I just don't care about such people anymore lol

I understand though why people want to answer back, I always used to.

But yeah lol, I'd call that obsession...a bad one



New member
this is what happen today........*flash backishment*

i was walking to school when i saw my good friend hanna. We had a good laugh about **** and decided it would be a good idea to sive of we went a hid in the bathrooms andf had a heart to heart about how much we hate ben davis right now. afterwards we talked about elena's brother who is the hotness!!!!! he really is his hair just like flopps in this face and his eyes are so beautiful. they're green and just sparkle in such a pretty way. anyways getting back to the point.

Afterwards we went to our private study lesson with Ms Kateck who might i add look like a hippo with a wig on anyway i was study when fausta walked in and sat next to me and guess what? she was wearing the exact same shoes as me. i was like...... but i just let it pass because it was a bit awkard. whateva..

So i was on the bus with rachel and Laura H-J when guess who we see? Josh rooms and unfortunatly Ben Davis..but more unluckly josh didnt get on the bus *( this is josh who broke up with Hanna who is a complete ***** like omg he stripped om webcam...ok..but his is so sexy so i can just ignore his personality.)

So Ben Davis got on. i hate him and he hates me.. .. ever since he made fun of my one of my Best-friends..Sophie.. So ben proceed to tell me that my name rhymes with piggy..and that i look like a piggy which i thought was really mean and un called for. so i just told that his hair looked gay and that noone should ever sport a mullet and then i reminded him that all his facial features were swashed in the middle of his face and that he smells funny. But omg he has facial hair and it wont shave and it looks so bad on that was my day, blads!!!

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