Symbols of Songs


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2004
Warp portals in my mind.
I was just like wondering in my head, what type of symbol does each linkinpark song represent?

I dont have many ideas, I really want to know about yours though. Specifically One Step Closer, but all the other songs are welcome too!

An example would be : like Crawlings symbol could be like a waterfall or something.
I dunno lol. I think by watching the video, it influences me. So when I think of In The End, I think of the whale, and that tomb mummy thingy that comes alive, and the desert. And crawling vid, ice bergs and mirrors come to mind.
One step closer makes me think of anger. Not sure what symbol though. Sorry this didn't help lol.
Crawling reminds me of a bunch of ice..
Points of Authority- robots and war
Forgotten reminds me of the color green...?
One step closer- some big guy
Don't ask....
this is awesome. this is like the images that pop in your head immediatly while listening to a song. my favorite is 'forgotten'.. which reminds me of like a side street in the middle of a large city or something in the lastest hour of the night looking down from one end to the other with only the lightening of the full moon and a streen light just over head... almost dream-like.. this also is similar but still different than images of 'Runaway'.