tats and piercings. u have any?


New member
well i was wondering if any one had any piercings or tats. if so explain them here.


well for me i have 6 piercings in each ear. and they are all gauged, they range from a 10 gauge to an 18. and i just got my belly button pierced. im also going to get the inner cartlige in my ear pierced too.


on sat im going to get 2 tats. 2 blackwidow spiders.one on my right shoulder and one on my left leg. then a few weeks after that im going to get a heart with wings and a halo with my moms intials in it.thats going on the middle of my back.



New member
im probley going to get a cross on my right/left arm and a ribben-banner that sayes christ


New member
I don't have any but I want a lot :

- red papa roach cockroach on my ankle

- black LP symbol on the back of my neck

- wings on my back

- a black butterfly on my crack or on my hip. Most likely my hip.

- & Miss Justyna tatooed on my ***. (one word per cheek)

I want to get my nose pierced. I have my ears pierced and that's it. I'm not a big piercing person.



New member
I've got two lobe piercing in each ear and one cartilage piercing on one of them. I hope to get more cause I just really like piercings. I want an eye brow one too, but we aren't allowed facial piercing at my school. For tatoos, I think they're pretty cool, but I probably wouldn't get one. Maybe just a small one somewhere.


New member
i have 6 piercings 3 on each ear.....i was supposed 2 have more but i was talked out of it and my mum thought it would hurt...

i hope 2 get more piercings on my ears..atleast 2 more but i wouldnt pierce anywhere else but my ears..

i want to get a tattoo when im older....but not a really big or visable one.



New member
I have 4 piercings 2 on each ear, I wanna get my eyebrow pierced or get 2 piercings in my cartlidge so i can put a barbell(i think thats what they call it) thing there. I dont have any tattoos maybe when I get older I will get one but not a big one


New member
no piercings at all lol
dont want any tho :p

i think (no offence) that its kinda dumb
No offence taken,i think it's a form of art really,

sort of a way for some people to exspress themself.

I myself have my ears pierced all the way up and

i have my eyebrow pierced too.And soon enough i'm going

to get a tatoo...when i'm sure what i want to get it of :thumbsup:

I don't have any peircings or tats. as of now, but I want to get my tounge(sp?) peirced, & a quote on my forearm saying, "One life, One shot. Make it count." Also, a dotted line around my neck with the words, "Cut Here"




Active Members
I've thrown around getting piercings and tattoos. I would probably get a cross on my back, on my right shoulder. Or maybe some design moving up my left arm. Not too sure.

I have noticed that pretty much every college I've gone too, everyone has at least one tattoo or piercing. So I guess I can't run forever. :p



New member
Yes well, i have 13 peircings now, but im extremely bored with them. whenever a peircing heals i need one more.

right ear:

3 lobe

1 conch

1 cartilage

1 anti tragus

left ear:

3 lobe

1 tragus

2 rook

1 left nostril

aghhhh i need something else i dunno what though. i was thinking of that marilyn monroe peircing...umm the one thats like kinda above the lip where her mole thingy was....i dont think i could pull that off though.



New member
I have my ears pierced, like every other girl in the universe..*sigh*

Im not allowed to get anything else pierced or get any tattoos.

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