tats and piercings. u have any?


New member
1 lip ring

1 nose ring

1 tounge ring

2 ear piercings

1 belly button piercing

1 black widow spider tat on the back of my neck

Soon to come-

snake bite piercings

2 upper ear rings

1 pentagram tat (wnt say where, i haven't decided)



New member
I got my right ear done again, at the very edge of the lobe just before the cartilage. Also my stretchers are now at 10ml.


New member
im probley going to get a cross on my right/left arm and a ribben-banner that sayes christ
thats old news i dont want those iv got a pearcing in each ear now thanks to my gf (*** i love her)
I got my ear re-pierced about a week ago, one in the lobe, one in the cartilage. I'm getting my tongue soon. As far as tattoos, I want "LOVE" on my right hand (fingers) and "HATE" on my left with a heart on the right thumb & a skull on the left.
Update on piercings:

Lobe is now at 10g & soon my cartilage will be at 14



New member
As far as tattoos, I want "LOVE" on my right hand (fingers) and "HATE" on my left with a heart on the right thumb & a skull on the left.
thats cool man

a bit like Dallas Green from Alexisonfire, hes go a bit of that going on

its gonna hurt a bit i think:eek:k: on the bone and all

but its a very cool look

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