tattoo stories


New member
OH EM GEE! I dont have any yet, but within the next four years I should have about ten done. but yea this is what I plan to get. . . . . .
-A Shamrock on I guess you'd call it a pelvis bone, but its in that general area. & I'm getting it because I'm half Irish.

-"Fly Like A Bird" in Spanish in the upper center area of my back cuz I'm Spanish & I've always loved how when a Spanish/Latino girl dances her dress flows and its like she's flying

-That one ^ will be between a pair of wings I'm getting on my back. I've always liked the ability to be myself & fly. I dont like being held back. In other words, I like to be able to spread my wings so thats why I'm getting wings

- on the back of my neck I'm getting the fire element in Chinese or Japanese [not sure yet] because I personality or whatever represents the fire element.

- I'm getting a black widow [it looks really ****** cool] on the inside of my left wrist & I can't say why

-Inside my bottom lip I'm getting "LINKIN PARK" for the obvious reason. I should be getting that within the next year. if it doesn't go in my bottom lip then I'm gonna put them around my wrist as a bracelet with stars seperating the actual words.

-the area between my index finger & thumb on my left hand with a star because as a young girl I ALWAYS wished upon stars & this way I'll have my own wishing star

- On my lower back I'm getting a baby lion standing on two feet with his front paws trying to catch a butterfly & above that or under the butterfly toward his stomach in cursive it's going to say "Leo" because I'm a leo.

- like bangle bracelets.. the metal ones that make noise when people move their arms... well I'm gonna get those around my ankle, but in rainbow colors. because I support gay marriage AND because I LOVE ALL COLORS

- on my right palm I'm getting a sun & on the left its going to be a cresent moon with a star [13th house]. because I've always been into Suns, Stars, and Moons. I'm not really sure if I'll get them on my palms though. I might get them on my shoulders or something.

- the center between my hand and my elbow I'm getting a P for pirate or a skull and cross bones. I've always loved pirates. Pirates are the best in my opinion.

-I"m getting a unicorn on my left thigh and sitting on the unicorn will be a fairy holding the world. only because I've always been very into fairytales. I love unicorns & fairies. probably underneath or above it it will be the saying "Believe the world you dream, but believe the world you see, but always dream about the world you want to see" which basically means "believe in all the things you wish to but also keep your head in reality, and never forget/lose your imagination"

-I wanna get the Hybrid Soilder, but I'm not sure about where I'd put him. & that would be for the obvious reason (lol)

yea so those are the tattoos that I wanna get. Only 12 for sure. the Hybrid Soilder... I'm still thinking about it.
wow thats alwsome

my brother has a baby lion on his arm

Well, where should I start. Well, I guess with my first tattoo. It's a celtic cross on my right thigh. My second tattoo I got was a celtic band with roses around my left ankle. My third, fourth , fith and sixth tattoo I got are now covered with other tattoos. But originally I had my starsign in arabic on my left upper arm with underneath a trible and the name of a guy on my right shoulderblade surrounded by roses and a rose on my left brest. By now all those tattoos are covered by a black clover design in honour of 1 of favorites bands Stone Temple Pilots. The clover design is on both my arm going from my elbow up to my shoulders and on my back. And the rose on my brest is also covered by a black clover. Then I have the hybrid soldier on my right calf with underneath it Linkin Park written. On my lower back I have a celtic design. On my left wrist I have a black heart with a music note in it. This 1 has the most meaning for me because that hart was drawn for me esp by my favorite guy in this world, Perttu Kivilaakso from Apocalyptica. And to end it I have a skull ( from my band Apocalyptica ) in the middle of my back.


Future plans are to get the clover design extended from my brest to my left shoulder and further onto my back ( inclosing the skull ).





New member
I can't think of a tattoo I would be happy with and wouldn't get sick of. But I will probably get a lip ring one of these days.


New member
I'm both inked and pierced, to count I have 6 tats and 8 piercings. If you patrol the boards you'll see pics of me sporting them somewhere, if anyone's interested.

The first tat I got when I was 16ish. Probably closer to 18. I thought it would hurt too much but I wanted to invoke the whole 'adult' experience so I got a backyard job (literally) of a small celtic sun on my right arm. That was it I was hooked. I have a three-headed dragon armband on my right wrist and a celtic cross on my right ankle. I have a blue shooting star on my left wrist and I have a red and green dragon on my left breast and my latest baby the huge Bam-esque/HIM design all the way up my upper right arm. Love that. Better, cost me near $600 AUD.


They all have special meaning, and I could rant on about them forever but to me they are like photographs in time. They represent more than just cool designs. I dont fear what ppl will think of me as I get older, in a society that puts exagerated value on worldy possessions I see getting tattoos the most sound investment a person could make. Heaven forbid my place burns down or I get robbed, but no one aint taking these works of art with me, and that's pretty much how I explain my passion to my uninked friends.

To break it down;

The Celtic designs I have spurn from 1) my heritage and 2) my 'religious' beliefs (though I use the term loosely) as a Pagan/Witch/Wiccan/non-conformist to traditional relious establishments/organisations etc. I have always been entranced by the Irish tales and Gaelic history and I was attracted to all of it through an archetypical deity known as The Morrigan. They are the basis of my user name here for those who know the history ;)

The dragons I have because I am a Dragon in Chinese Astrology. Also I am hugely into the Arthurian tales as well so they tie in well with the Gaelic tales. Love that. Espcially in this day and age where Chivalry isn't just dead, its barely even a memory nowadays.


The blue star is in memory of my nephew who died at 7weeks and 3days old of SIDS. We picked out a star for him in the night sky so we can still see him in essence and it was a good way for his little cousins to grasp the notion of his passing.

The Bam thing... well I really cant rationalise. I loved it from the second I saw it even if I really didn't know much about the dude at all (until Mel/Phi educated me and now I bet she regrets it. haha). Its almost Geiger-esque (the artist) and its enorporated my original celtic sun so the whole conecpt has changed with them both. To me the design itself is both beautiful and grotesque as it is dark and light and even to a degree very feminine and masculine in parts. Its balanced. This last 12 months has been especially enlightening for me and so this represents that change. Cool.

Next week I'm planning on getting the Heartogram symbol on the back of my neck with a friend from work but that was more impulsive than anything I've ever done. I love HIM as far as the music goes but I'm not as into them as much as I still am LP. I am getting Rob's signature tattooed on me sometime soon... once I find the 'right' place for it. That one deserves special consideration. I'm still redesigning that one. Soon see I guess.

As far as peircings; Lip, brow (since closed), nose (closed), ears (4 on one side and 2 the other) Meh.

I am definately a work in progress :D



New member
i removed my lip ring just a month ago,and now the hole's closed.i'm planning to get my brow done when i've saved money.


New member
Errg. I could never get my tongue pierced... yea I could. But I wouldn't be happy with it.

Now if we were talking about piercings [i can just see the annoyance on your faces lol]

1. my lip. either a snake bite or what Chester had.. in the center. I've always wanted my lip pierced.

2. My eyebrow because I like the look of it.

3. my nose, off to the side cuz I like that.

4. a piercing like under my tongue... when you lift your tongue theres that skin that hangs down.. I'd get that pierced.

5. belly button OR just a shape of a star around it. oh that'd be hot.

6. On my right hand [cuz the left will have tattoo there] I'd get a piercing where the skin between my index & thumb is...

7.I might get a tongue piercing. I've always liked the idea, but i just dont know. Plus, theres the thought of getting disowned by my family if I did... they threatened me when I was 13 that if I EVER got it down they'd never talk to me. (lol)

yea so thats all the piercings I could think of. I already posted that tattoos I want.



New member
Tats are cool, but i don't think i'll be able to decide on something i won't get tired of... since i'm so indecisive and i'd regret it the instant after it's done...

But i knew this guy who had this wicked snake coiling up his leg and what looked like a strawberry ( o_O ) on his upper right arm. I asked him what it was but he said i wouldn't get it...

I would like my eyebrow pierced, i guess it'll be pretty wicked



Active Members
I probably gonna get my tat next year in march...probably around the date LP releases their new CD
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