Teachers that don't do their jobs


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
I just started school back two days ago from my summer break. This is my senior year and I am planning on going to college right out of high school. It's hard for me to understand why someone would even take up a job like teaching if they weren't intending on taking it 100% seriously. Last year, we took the second part of the GEE(Graduation Exit Exam). 30% of my class, a class where half of the students still cannot read, made Advanced on the Science section. I also made Advanced. I started to get curious about how this could have happened when one of the dumbest people I know came up to me bragging about how they made the same as me. I asked some people, and apparently the teacher had given them the answers. You don't have to be a genius to know that that is HIGHLY ILLEGAL. I told people about it and they did nothing to the teacher. This is the whole high school's Science teacher. She teaches Pyshics, Physical Science, Chemistry..etc. This is the same teacher I have had for five different core cirriculum classes since my freshman year. We have opened books in this woman's class maybe 20 times throughout the whole time I have had her. Right now, I'm the Valedictorian. The guy that is second in class is her favorite student, so she had been giving him higher grades than me intentionally all throughout high school. He made a 14 on his ACT. The lowest score of anyone in our whole school. Anyways, back to the point. I'm taking Biology 2 to prepare me for college. Today, in class, she informed us we won't be doing work this year. She's just going to pass us all and call it okay. The School Board seems to see nothing wrong with this. This woman is ruining people's education and should be fired. Just because there is a shortage of teachers, they're not doing anything about it. I just wanted to know if anyone else thought this was one of the STUPIDEST things they have EVER heard?
I had teachers like that in high school. It pissed me off to. There were so many people in my class that didn't give a **** that it was all good with most of the students. I for one was trying to get what info I could form school to avoid having to relearn stuff with the remedial classes you may have to take in college. I would rather not go to college than take the same classes I had been taking for 4 years. Anyway that's off topic. This teacher told us to just do one lesson out of the book each day to look busy then we could just talk or play cards get on the computers. It continued like that all year. The worst part was this was my English class in 11th grade. How the hell am I supposede to be prepared to be a senior with a year of doing that. I was right too, because since I've graduated I realized that I made mt senior year the hardest cause I didn't want to do much work. I think more people should be going to school to teach school. We need more dedicated people. There are some that shine more than others but as a whole, they could use a makeover or something! I just hope that when my son gets in school that he will not have the slack non-caring teachers!
I know. I am dreading ever having to take remedial classes, but if that's what it comes to I guess I'll have to deal with it. They just piss me off because they're getting paid to basically **** people over.
I also had that teacher who said to "look busy". He made us read these books and he said to write a report about it when your finished. Which wasn't so bad till I finished all the books and did my best to write a good report and found out that some people didn't even finish half the books by the end of the semester and they weren't even ****ING graded!!!!!!!!!! I was so pissed, but seriously what can you do. A year later I found out he lost his teaching degree for ****ing a student. That was good news but I'm still pissed.
:p Yeah, my teacher does that, too. I think there's maybe 3 real teachers out of the almost 20 at my school. I highly doubt I'll ever forgive them, either. :mad: