

Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2005
I think ROM started another thread along this line..but..I wanted to start fresh.

And yeah, I know some of you are questioning why I'd make this thread and be such an obvious hypocrite since I am a teen. I don't have an answer to my blatant hypocrisy, so get on with my post! (or..don't).

My biggest source of annoyance towards teens is their ability to find something to complain about in EVERYTHING. They cannot accept that some things in the world, "just are" and they are one person and cannot change what they dislike so much. Instead of using their time to productively accept or move past what they don't like, they whine, and whine, and WHINE (I suppose..I'm doing that right now). It's one thing to have an opinion, it's another to sound like a complete idiot when you say it. I am getting this steadfast feeling that I'd be more intelligent after running into a brick wall than if I were to listen to another angsty rant on religion, or on boys, or girls, or George Bush.

Don't kids get it?! They're not different, they're not genius, and they're not original. They've just invented this astoundingly annoying way of getting their sheep-like opinion across. Their "new found" hate for George Bush and religion is something they soak up like a sponge because they're a bunch of mindless idealists (no, I'm not saying anyone anti-bush or religion is mindless). It makes me want to bang my head when I know someone who's got a D+ average is thumping his fist on the desk and grunting in indecipherable blatherings about how he thinks George Bush is a bad man because some other teenager with a higher IQ told him so.

And, big news for you teenagers, it's NOT the end of the world. Not EVERYTHING that happens in your 1/6,000,000,000 of a global life matters that much. I am so sick of teens moping around like their life is about to end because they are too stupid and thick to figure out that it's their responsibility to make their own happiness and success - not the parents, not the teachers, NOT the alcohol that they senselessly consume on a school night. We/they think everything affects them, when if they just accepted it, and didn't give such a ****, they'd realize that it really doesn't matter.

Par example: I love you SD, but I've got to say that your ramblings about how you hate religion are incredibly angsty. You'll find that I agree to an extent, but Christ, just give up the hate. It's not doing you any good, and us listening to it and pretending to get angry instead of just laughing is getting old. You have an opinion, we get that, but drop the hate act. Religion, if you look at it, is hardly a fraction of your life if you let it be that way. Yeah, thumpers are annoying, yeah the pope is a jerk, and YES the bible is a disgusting falsehood, but if you truly believe you're above that pettiness, then just move on. Life is too short to go on about something that you can't singlehandedly change. I love you to bits, you are an AMAZING friend, and I trust you a ton, but it actually makes me sad to see you so full of resentment to so many little and big things.

I guess I'm just a..tad annoyed. I just think some teenagers need to take a step back and say, "Whoa, I'm responsible for myself, life isn't that bad, and I just need to suck it up, and learn to accept...and pull my pants up."

I understand that kids feel like they have been wrong-done by life throwing them curveballs. Heck, I know I have, but I've never gone without really thinking. I think about the grand-scheme, I think about how fortunate I really am, and I think about how I can fix it, instead of resent it.

Don't worry. Be happy :)
Well said, if i could give you rep i would but...

Anyhow, I think the trait you've discribed of annoyence and emotion over the trivial is characteristic of teens simpoly because MOST teens have not live alot of life and had few hardships. Therefore, the simple stupoidities of life seem all the more terrible because they've nothing "more horrible" their minds can realate it to.

Some of the most mature people I've ever met have been in their teens. My theory is that there is something either terribly right about them (Which is very very rare) or something terrible wrong. When i say wrong i don't mean 'bad' but rather that they are ****ed up in the head a bit usually for a solid reason. Take Phreak for example; From what I've read the guy has been through his share of ****, theres a damn good chance that this is what makes him the fine fellow he seems to be. Is he "Fully functional"?, Hells no! But that dosn't mean ****.

Another is a fellow I know by the name of Jordan. He's 17, has had 2 kids both of which died shortly after birth. His arms have more then one cigar burn on them (Whcih we've never really discussed) and live in poverty (He is on his own and hundereds of miles away form where he was born, lives by his own means). Dispite all of this he is generous beyond compare, kind and caring, a hard worker and honest as can be (Except with the police maybe). In his short time on earth he's lived more then many do during their whole time here.

Aside from the very few 'right people', who are good people, most good people I know have suffered and grown stronger and become better people which I believe they can attribute to their strife.

My motto: "You can't trust the norms."
esianbt said:
"Therefore, the simple stupoidities ...."
I liked that typo :p

And it's interesting how you say more "worse" life experiences tend to shape the maturity level of the young (and older). It's not a new argument, but I like how you discussed it. There are things in my life that have happened that some people may never live through, but if there's one thing I have learnt from it all, is that I wouldn't trade my experiences for the world. I am grateful that I've had so few regrets in my life, because I have learnt to appreciate everything that comes my way. I don't choose to have an abusive family, a sucidal parent and brother, pregnant and alcoholic friends, dead friends, seen friends die, or be beat for who you are. And as much as I may resent certain events happening to me, if I've made it this far, I can make it a lot farther, and I'm going to. I wouldn't change my life for the world. I've moved on. And I'm making it through okay , don't ya think? :D

A few days before my grandma died I was at the hopsital visiting her. She shared her room with another terminally ill patient - a patient, to my knowledge, has no known family or friends, or any comfort in her dying days. It was late evening when I was at the hospital, and all of the sudden she starts motioning to me, crying, gurgled breathing. I was a bit freaked out - just because I don't understand. Here was a stranger with tubes coming out of her from all angles, and can hardly talk. I went to her bedside and she was just like, "hold my hand," and she proceeded to tell me her life story, and her regrets, and how much she failed, but really did love her son.

I'm still trying to figure out what that experience has done for me, but it did something. And as horrifying and gutwrenching it may be, I'm glad it happened.
Trust me my dear, I can empathize with your situation mush more then most. I'm sad to hear that your troubles are still playing a role in your life but when you gain your independence, and do it right, life is all the better as are you for living it. I admire you for not being worn down, its is a quality that many don't have. It like finding that one rock on that beach that hasn't been worn down by the tides. (Excuse the cheesy metaphor) :)

And i'll leave the typo for your amusment.


The hosptial experience should move to to talk to people more, its amazing the stories people have and a shame to close yourslef off.
1) I hate it how today's teens are "liberals" simply because they think conservatives are bad.
2) I hate it how teens hate Bush because that's all they hear, everywhere. Now, I'm a libertarian, and I don't hate Bush. I don't think he's capable of leading this country intelligently, but I don't hate him.
3) I hate how American teens hate America, but they can't hold an intelligent conversation as to why they hate it.
4) I hate it how they think they know everything.
5) I hate how they think how they dress is sexy, or cool. You're not an adult, that's not attractive, get back to your schoolwork.

I'd go on, but I must complete an essay on what I think the American is.
Posted by eisanbt:
MOST teens have not lived alot of life and have had few hardships.

The more reasonable and level headed teens you will meet do not have computers in their rooms. They do not have brand new cars and phat wardrobes. In short, parents are greatly responsible for turning the new generation of teenagers into self-involved little *****s. All teens to some extent are pretentious little know it alls who feel that their few years of life have tought them all they need to know. It has always been this way and I suppose it always will. Their unimpeeded access to information these days has worsened the problem. When I was 14 I would have to either try real hard and sneak around or just plain get lucky in order to see a picture of a naked lady. Today all a teen needs to do is click click in their web browser and they can watch a midget butt**** a donkey or what not. The more information one absorbs the more empowered one becomes, be it good or bad.
I'm not a Teen but half the people here think I'm one so I guess I'm obligated to respond to this
1. I have the political stance I have because I feel it is right

2. I hate Bush because I disagree with his trigger happy, oil grabbing, power tripping, money grabbing, bible thumping, intrusive bullshit.

3. I have NOTHING against America.....Just the clowns who run it.

4. I hate know-it-all teens as well. Do they have to argue EVERY ****ING THING THEY HEAR!?

5. I dress the way I do because I like it
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
I'm not a Teen but half the people here think I'm one so I guess I'm obligated to respond to this
1. I have the political stance I have because I feel it is right

2. I hate Bush because I disagree with his trigger happy, oil grabbing, power tripping, money grabbing, bible thumping, intrusive bullshit.

3. I have NOTHING against America.....Just the clowns who run it.

4. I hate know-it-all teens as well. Do they have to argue EVERY ****ING THING THEY HEAR!?

5. I dress the way I do because I like it

You sound very similer to about 75% of my friends. If you play an insturament that percentage goes up! :p
yes most teens do alot of ****ed up ****. like how for god know's how many years pink has beens a color mainly for girls but now you see guy's wearing it left and right and i know for a fact that they aren't supporting gay rights!!!!!
captainfrenchfry said:
yes most teens do alot of ****ed up ****. like how for god know's how many years pink has beens a color mainly for girls but now you see guy's wearing it left and right and i know for a fact that they aren't supporting gay rights!!!!!

That's the best you can come up with? The current teen generation is coming to an end because 1/20 guys own a pink shirt? Please. There are more serious ailments than a slightly pink shirt. At the VERY least, complain about people who wear excessive amounts of black makeup, clothes, and dye their hair black, and have an obscene amount of horrific piercings. They tend to dress like that to make a statement and cry out their non-conformity. At least some guys who wear light pink shirts do it for slightly less radical reasons :)
TheJenn88 said:
That's the best you can come up with? The current teen generation is coming to an end because 1/20 guys own a pink shirt? Please. There are more serious ailments than a slightly pink shirt. At the VERY least, complain about people who wear excessive amounts of black makeup, clothes, and dye their hair black, and have an obscene amount of horrific piercings. They tend to dress like that to make a statement and cry out their non-conformity. At least some guys who wear light pink shirts do it for slightly less radical reasons :)

What is it with people bitching about the alternative crowd? Non-conformity? I heard this bullshit a million times. It has nothing to do with "confromity" since "conform" simply means to be apart of something. Anything. So why do they do it? Probably for the same reason why I wear **** like that: BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT.
Hells yes.

It's really bullshit to say that all or even most counter-culture folk dress the whichever way just to get noticed or any other one reason. But indeed, I enjoy my 20year old tight black leather bikers jacket. I enjoy my massive headphones (so the people on the bus can hear a 'metalhead' listening to Bach). I like my tight torn up jeans and frankly I couldn't give a **** when people notice me or not.

I often wear 'nice' cloths, more often then I wear most ****, and its THEN that people look at me (Yah I'm pretty fine :) ) But when I'm a leather clad punk then I hardly get noticed (And i don't just mean form horney bubble-gum girls hitting the shops, imbeciles theys is) So tell me, who the hell is it out for attention?

And the great thing is I make a point to be as nice as possible when I'm metaled up; I pay for people to eat when they need a meal, I'm polite as can be, I help folks with their random problems or even just offer a game of hacky sac, Yet still i get this bad vibe from people that I don't get when I'm in an orange dress shirt and blazer. Most people are too damn shallow, but thats not going to change anytime soon so I just forget it. (I have friends who can't get decent jobs because they have piercings, its bullshit.)
Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
What is it with people bitching about the alternative crowd? Non-conformity? I heard this bullshit a million times. It has nothing to do with "confromity" since "conform" simply means to be apart of something. Anything. So why do they do it? Probably for the same reason why I wear **** like that: BECAUSE THEY LIKE IT.

I'm just poking holes at what frenchfry said :p

Also, you must have never been to my school. I'd say 85% of the people who dress up to "non-conform" do it because they think they're being cool, more than anything. They will admit that they're trying to make a statement, be different, etc., not because it's their favourite thing.

It's different for different areas of the globe ;)
The thing about High School is that its the second most moronic disply of personality formation and group segration on the planet (The worse being Jr high, they'll follow anyhting they're told is cool)