Telekinesis ( dont know if spelt right)

well, idk if i'm intepreting this right, so i'll voice my opinion on the two possible things i think it is.

Option #1: Moving things with your mind

i think that's complete and total bullshit, it'd be cool to be able to do, but it's bullshit

Option #2: Reading peoples minds/communicating without talking/asl

i think this is true to some extent. like when you and a friend wanna do something, and one of you says it, and you're like hell yeah, that's what i wanted to do. or like, when someone says something you were thinking, and you're all holy **** that's what i was thinking. some people may not realize it, but to some extent...they can tell what people think

my friend and i just sit there and think stuff, and then do it, without talking, we're just really good friends and know each other very well...

now being able to do it on purpose, with strangers...that's...well, no. lol
but if someone's just sitting there, chillin, watchin tv or somethin, you can't tell what they're thinking. or if somethings on their's not that easy to know what it is.
I dont know if any of its true but I wana give it a try cause thad be pretty tight to start fires and **** lol. :D
Moving thigs with your mind seems, well, Impossible, but if some body can do that, I'd like to know...jk

And reading ppls minds seems hard not AS impossible, doesn't mean it could happen. Like if their complete strangers, it seems creepy, I personally don't want to over hear some one haveng a good long think of what soap they want to buy... lol
Personally, I believe in psionics Psionics basically are all types of psychic 'phenomena', such as telekinesis, telepathy, clarvoyance, and paranormal encounters.
I believe it. I do not believe that people can hurl cars with thier minds, and see who who is going to shoot the president. But I do believe that it exists to an extent.
But hey, that is me.
I don't think it's possible, I just can't believe those things.Normally I'd go like:
CRAP! But I'm trying to maintain a respectable manner.
well the military explore mind reading in WW2 they could get inside of russian spies. its been proving im pretty sure. I think they also explored with telekinesis.
It's an interesting subject. I really should look into it a bit more because I have my own opinion about it. It sounds like an awesome thing to have though, I'de love to sneak a peek into SOME peoples heads and see what goes in there. And use that form of communication. And move stuff with my mind lol. Haha I'll love it.
I don't believe it's bullshit, but I don't believe it doesn't exist either. Hmm. *Goes off to google for it because I'm confusing myself*.
Because of my religion (if i told any of you my religion im sure 1/2 would call me a freak and the other would say it was complete and utter bullshit), i study/practice telepathy and telekinises (more telepathy though) a lot. like clogz said, i believe it to an extent.
jomama10691: quote (Because of my religion (if i told any of you my religion im sure 1/2 would call me a freak and the other would say it was complete and utter bullshit), i study/practice telepathy and telekinises (more telepathy though) a lot. like clogz said, i believe it to an extent.)
Why what religion are you just wondering?