terrorist attack on UK!!!

we were watching that on the news the whole morning its realleh frightening...>.< especially knowing HOW maneh plans would have been involved...
You beat me to it.

My opinion.

Just another way of supressing the American Nation to believing we are a great country and to scaring us. Blaire and Bush are buddies. In conclusion, this was planned just like 9-11. The End.
You shouldn't just dismiss this as a conspiracy. It could have killed people.
Stop looking for people to point fingers at, especially when those idiotic conspiracy theories fail to make any sense.
more than that...10s of thousands they said 9-10 different planes and theyre prob the jumbo ones which hold hundreds of people...its not actually worth thinking about
thats 2 yrs in a row now in britain
wonder what will happen nezt year:S

Made up so that everyone's government can put more security measures against their own people.

Hell, Bush knew about Sept 11 months before it happened, and did nothing. Two reasons: oil, and daddy.
and yoo know that how?
also to be fair i think thats vereh untrue
every delay that the airports have is money lost so realleh how does this help them exactly 0.o the goverment are mostly greedy aresholes so a loss of money isnt realleh high on their list of 'i wants' is it?
The government has found videotapes created by Al Qaeda explaining how to make these liquid bombs.

And if you're going to jump behind these conspiracy theories, find me one that doesn't have a dozen loopholes, please. You're only discrediting yourself.
Reflectionist said:

Made up so that everyone's government can put more security measures against their own people.

Hell, Bush knew about Sept 11 months before it happened, and did nothing. Two reasons: oil, and daddy.



Who are you to decide that those tapes are recent or authentic? Are you ready to believe what the media feeds you? Just recently. The media took some pictures of Condalisa Rice on which looked like she had her hand on her forehead looking worried and overwhelmed. When in reality if you look at the video from the interview she was brushing her away from her eyes. They made tons of people believe the matter of what she was talking about was terrible. Go figure.

Are you ready to believe highly trained and expierenced liars? AKA. You're goverment.

Look at what happened in Roswell... Why haven't they released anything... The witnesses are there. The paper work is there. Why are things blacked out on the documentations?

Reflectionist said:

Made up so that everyone's government can put more security measures against their own people.

Hell, Bush knew about Sept 11 months before it happened, and did nothing. Two reasons: oil, and daddy.

You are exactly right Ref. It's all made up.
I'm glad there's more than just 1 or so people on LPF that actually know the truth of what's going on in the world now.

Planned just like 9/11. London Subway bombings, 9/11, Enron, etc.
TeaTime said:
The government has found videotapes created by Al Qaeda explaining how to make these liquid bombs.

And if you're going to jump behind these conspiracy theories, find me one that doesn't have a dozen loopholes, please. You're only discrediting yourself.

Here's a loophole for you. See if you can explain this:

1. Bush says Gas prices are up really high because the war in Iraq has made it hard for the Oil in the area to be secured.
2. Oil companies as of this week have shown RECORD PROFITS.

Another one for you.
Explain how the US inexplicably jumped from searching for Bin Laden to Searching for Saddam Hussein. Bin Laden was proven tied to the September 11th attacks. The last thing that Saddam did was in the Gulf War, when bush's DADDY was in office.
Actually, I'm not even really that sure on that one, all I know is we were attacking the Taliban and now they wanted revenge on Daddy's old enemy.

Operation Iraqi Liberation. O.I.L. It's so obvious it's retarded.

Seen Star Wars 3?

EDIT - I might as well add something about Israel and Palestine - Get a clue. They've been fighting since BEFORE JESUS' TIME. It's not news. It's media sensationalism.

The media is probably being paid off by the government to publicize the War in Lebanon / Israel / Palestine to take everyone's eyes away from BUSH's FAILURE IN IRAQ.
I'll admit that part of the reason I don't want to accept that theory is because I don't want to think my country is "at war" for such stupid reasons. I know that the media twists and distorts things for their own benifit, but I find it hard to believe they caused so many people such discomfort just to "supress the American Nation into believing we are a great country and to scaring us" as you said. Manufacturing something like this...

I don't know. I stand corrected, but I don't want to believe something like that just yet. Call me uneducated about the subject if you want. I'll back down from this discussion for now.