Terrorist Hater to the Guillotine! (or idiot box)

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Don't refund him ****! Let'm sue like he said he would do... I hope he spends 5,000 bucks just to be told by judge Judy that he really is an idiot, but GF owes him his refund and forces Bob to refund his seven dollars and fifty cents. It's a win - win situation, TH proves what an idiot he is to the world and still gets his refund!
Hes is a true whiner and i think he should be punished severly but not permantly.
anyone who whines about an avatar is far to childish to deserve respect.......

yes its a fun thing and a big part....but to the be focus....thats just absurd!
Gray~Gal said:
Hes is a true whiner and i think he should be punished severly but not permantly.


Rule #1: Threaten Bob or the site, find yourself looking at GF from the outside FOREVER.

He's history. Good riddance to bad rubbish. That guy was a whack job; plain and simple.
I would like to change my vote... No longer one month, I want to quit wasting bandwidth on this losa!!! Damn single cellular organism!
I'm confused. Was a post deleted? I don't care just making sure I ain't crazy!
angie said:
I'm confused. Was a post deleted? I don't care just making sure I ain't crazy!

The administrator (GF - a.k.a. Bob) has decided that TERRORIST-HATER should be quiet for a while.
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