"thanks LPU" by Astat


New member
title of the LPU thread: 'thanks LPU'

Written by Astat and posted on the LPU. Best rant I've ever seen. I'm printing this out and giving it to Mike at a M&G on PR07.

No no, thank YOU, Mr. Shinoda.


Thanks for attempting to get out of your contract with Warner, only to accept an 8-figure sum of money as an advance for your new album in exchange for continuing to allow your band to be your record label's *****. Thank you for letting your record label manufacture so many different versions and packagings of the same album in order to milk the Linkin Park cash cow and bring in more money from your most dedicated fans that will buy anything with your name on it. Thank you for allowing Warner to threaten legal action against any website (a company threatening the same people that purchase their product, yeah that makes a lot of sense!) that linked to the first single off of your album, when you guys got your start on mp3.com back when your music was FREE FOR EVERYBODY. Thank you for letting the greedy ******* that have you by the ***** be so stingy as to expect us to pay $100 for a CD, DVD, shirt, and a book, but they won't even allow your Pinkpop or Rock Am Ring performances to be streamed online.


Thank you for letting your record label slap your fans in the face.



Active Members
and so goes the tale of how Mark got tackled by a LP bodyguard trying to give his hero a violent letter
he won't get tackled...lol

but if you want to give something to them....you have to give it to a bodyguard...

so chances are low he would actually read the note...



New member
Good text, Hahninator.

It is called "Capitalism", they don't care about who cares about them, they care about what your money can buy :S

It eats anyone



New member
I am actually thinking of writing a letter of complaint similar to that, and sending to warner and the band. And having it be a lot longer. I think we now all see why LP wanted to get out of their contract.
title of the LPU thread: 'thanks LPU'Written by Astat and posted on the LPU. Best rant I've ever seen. I'm printing this out and giving it to Mike at a M&G on PR07.

No no, thank YOU, Mr. Shinoda.


Thanks for attempting to get out of your contract with Warner, only to accept an 8-figure sum of money as an advance for your new album in exchange for continuing to allow your band to be your record label's *****. Thank you for letting your record label manufacture so many different versions and packagings of the same album in order to milk the Linkin Park cash cow and bring in more money from your most dedicated fans that will buy anything with your name on it. Thank you for allowing Warner to threaten legal action against any website (a company threatening the same people that purchase their product, yeah that makes a lot of sense!) that linked to the first single off of your album, when you guys got your start on mp3.com back when your music was FREE FOR EVERYBODY. Thank you for letting the greedy ******* that have you by the ***** be so stingy as to expect us to pay $100 for a CD, DVD, shirt, and a book, but they won't even allow your Pinkpop or Rock Am Ring performances to be streamed online.


Thank you for letting your record label slap your fans in the face.
Hmm, being an artist is still a money making career, yes?

But he does have a point. It makes me feel they did this because they were taking a gamble with this new sound, thus they'd make more money out of different packages.

Last note.

*OMG So jealous about now, cause Hahn gets to see LP Live*




New member
title of the LPU thread: 'thanks LPU'Written by Astat and posted on the LPU. Best rant I've ever seen. I'm printing this out and giving it to Mike at a M&G on PR07.

No no, thank YOU, Mr. Shinoda.


Thanks for attempting to get out of your contract with Warner, only to accept an 8-figure sum of money as an advance for your new album in exchange for continuing to allow your band to be your record label's *****. Thank you for letting your record label manufacture so many different versions and packagings of the same album in order to milk the Linkin Park cash cow and bring in more money from your most dedicated fans that will buy anything with your name on it. Thank you for allowing Warner to threaten legal action against any website (a company threatening the same people that purchase their product, yeah that makes a lot of sense!) that linked to the first single off of your album, when you guys got your start on mp3.com back when your music was FREE FOR EVERYBODY. Thank you for letting the greedy ******* that have you by the ***** be so stingy as to expect us to pay $100 for a CD, DVD, shirt, and a book, but they won't even allow your Pinkpop or Rock Am Ring performances to be streamed online.


Thank you for letting your record label slap your fans in the face.
***** Asat rocks :D



New member
Wow nice. If you give it to Mike you have to put this underneath though:


(For anyone that doesn't know, this was made by Derek on LPU Forums - I think lol)



New member
Wow nice. If you give it to Mike you have to put this underneath though:

(For anyone that doesn't know, this was made by Derek on LPU Forums - I think lol)
*****! That is amazing!



New member

Wow nice. If you give it to Mike you have to put this underneath though:

(For anyone that doesn't know, this was made by Derek on LPU Forums - I think lol)



New member
I would agree, but the way I see it it was justified.

Linkin Park doesn't set the price for their cd's, WB's management does.

They probably wanted 3 versions because LP likes to have different versions of everything just to make things not so mundane. Sure LP has a say, and if I were them and you were them youd do the same. when u get to that point its all money. im sure they are dedicated as anyone else to their music. its clear and obvious that they are. but at the same time, they realize just how much they are being ripped off by their label and thought they deserved more. fair enough.

baseball players get payed millions of dollars to do what? take steroids and run around bases? are you kidding me? what happened to playing for the love of the game? in the music world one million dollars doesnt cut it. for us thats just but consider the fact that they pay tour fee's studio fee's equipment fee's ect. one way or another they are loosing money

the more money they make out of a contract the less is matters they loose.

Record labels are like the government to them. they are supposed to help them, but thats not always how it turns out. and even if u yell at them, that doesnt mean theyll change.

the 100 dollar fee is a slap back if anything at LP and making them look dumb, for trying to attack wb. and besides ive seen many bands put out 50-100 dollar sp|edition packs. and you cant just go around bootlegging every show. people get upset because they cant stream a show or record it or get free music. what the ****. they started out giving free music because they wanted to be recognized, they weren't going to do that forever. what did u expect? Bands today are loosing money because genX is a download generation and they just take everything on line for free. hence the drop in record sales. hence why Michael jackson wont be beat. everybody wants a free ride. they think its not about the money and that you can just go out there perform all over the world and give everything for free and not care. but thats not how it works. its business. either love it or leave it alone. complaining will get you nowhere. LP gets so much hatemail that they could probably fill the hudini mansion with it. i just dont see why people are so upset over this album and the money. if they have a problem with it dont buy it. grow up. stop being so childish about it.

and didnt mark buy the 100 dollar pack?

at least dont make urself look foolish.

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