How bad do you think this girl should be punished if punished at all.
My friend that is 19 went out and started dating this guy that turns out to be 15. Of course she didn't know this when she started going out with him he kept it a secret it's been almost a year and then she suddenly finds out. This "kid" has no curfew doesn't go to school and has regular full-time job, the only reason she found out is because she came across his baby book.
The dilemma with her is that she knows it's wrong but the relationship was going fine, I've never seen her as happy and he loves her they where planning on moving in together. He's more responsible than many "adult men", hell I think he's more responsible than my b/f, fiance whatever.
cynthiaa89 said:
It would keep a LOT of people from ****ing their lives up.

Exactly. 18. Or at least until they get out of school. Too many stupid kids and oblivious (or equally stupid) parents around for these people to be having sex and spreading their already sorry genetics. Not to mention the disease these careless rejects could possibly spread.
I say the younger the better.


Who knows? People mature much differently than one another, ie girls faster than boys,

I should say eighteen because they become legal, in my state, to purchase cigarettes at that age. And what better way to ring in the age of consent than to fire up a carton of Pall Malls?
LOL R.O Pall Malls? thats nasty.
But seriously how do you y'all think this girl should be punished?
I was quoting an insurance repair job today, in an inhabited house, and there was this striking young girl, with beautiful eyes, sitting under a doona. I would have picked her for thirteen at the most.

Not to be batting off, but every time I looked, she was making googly eyes at me. I was wondering why she wasn't at school.

As I made my way out, the young lass rose from her chair, revealing a mid-stage gestation tummy. WTF? Is it happening at that age? Of course it is.

Horniness knows no bounds. Is it right? Hell no. Enjoy your own childhood.

Vaness said:
How bad do you think this girl should be punished if punished at all.
My friend that is 19 went out and started dating this guy that turns out to be 15. Of course she didn't know this when she started going out with him he kept it a secret it's been almost a year and then she suddenly finds out. This "kid" has no curfew doesn't go to school and has regular full-time job, the only reason she found out is because she came across his baby book.
The dilemma with her is that she knows it's wrong but the relationship was going fine, I've never seen her as happy and he loves her they where planning on moving in together. He's more responsible than many "adult men", hell I think he's more responsible than my b/f, fiance whatever.

As far as your friend receiving punishment...she will get it soon. But not from the law... Now I know everyone is different but going out with a 15 year old guy and thinking he is responisble is kinda pushing it. Whatever floats her boat but I am sure a dilemma will be reached in the near future that they cannot handle.

Good luck to her but I got my severe doubts. And I am putting this in the nicest way possible.

As far as the pregnant 13 year old...someone needs to seriously watch these ****ing kids.
Outlaw2747 said:
As far as your friend receiving punishment...she will get it soon. But not from the law... Now I know everyone is different but going out with a 15 year old guy and thinking he is responisble is kinda pushing it. Whatever floats her boat but I am sure a dilemma will be reached in the near future that they cannot handle.

Good luck to her but I got my severe doubts. And I am putting this in the nicest way possible.

As far as the pregnant 13 year old...someone needs to seriously watch these ****ing kids.

That is really screwed up.The subject of the post that is.My X did the same thing to a 17 year old when she was 25.His parents were/are both passed.So it was really easy for her to get out of the CPS case.Had it been a man~Well.... Anyway
I agree with Outlaw here.Going on my above statement^These people who do this shite.Have found themselves in an adult world they don't belong in.
I see what y'all are saying and agree completely but what about her punishment by law how hard should she be punished? should a case like this be dealt with diferently since she was lied to or just go ahead and send her to jail because of his horny punk ass?
phreakwars said:
And if you were living in a remote village with a tribe from say Africa that DID let younger people have sex, you would think NOTHING of the age if said person was 12. Like I said, it's a cultural issue. Pedophilia is ALSO a culture issue.


You copied me. I said something like that in the thread about the 21 year old and the 13 year old. Vortex didn't like that....