The Best and Worst of the Nu-Metal era.


New member
The best:
KoRn - they started it all (Firts 3 albums are gods of nu metal)

Deftones - almost the same as KoRn

Disturbed - solos on the last album..heavy riffs..excelent lyrics

Rage Against the machine - political attitude and awesome songs

Tool - morbid videos, and awesome songs too

LP - since I was a huge fan

Worst: Everything else

About evanescence..they are insanely boring..When I heard their concert on MTV I fall asleep
Like everything you said except I don't care for Tool and for Worst in in nu-metal I agree with everything else, except LB's The Unquestionable Truth Part 1 (very Rage Against The Machineish).

btw Amy Lee is hot



New member
Like everything you said except I don't care for Tool and for Worst in in nu-metal I agree with everything else, except LB's The Unquestionable Truth Part 1 (very Rage Against The Machineish).
btw Amy Lee is hot
I don't know..for LB, I prefer 3 dollar bill Y'all or Chocolate Starfish



New member
The best:
KoRn - they started it all (Firts 3 albums are gods of nu metal)

Deftones - almost the same as KoRn

Disturbed - solos on the last album..heavy riffs..excelent lyrics

Rage Against the machine - political attitude and awesome songs

Tool - morbid videos, and awesome songs too

LP - since I was a huge fan

Worst: Everything else

About evanescence..they are insanely boring..When I heard their concert on MTV I fall asleep
Tool and Rage Against the Machine really aren't nu metal bands I don't think.



New member
*Yes, Amy Lee is hot.... lo

*My top 3 Nu Metal bnads:

1: TRUSTcompany

2: Taproot

3: Deftones

*My bottom 3

1: Slipknot (The only Nu-Metal band that hasn't made a song i like)

2: Grade 8

3: Limp Bizkit



New member
rage against the machine was numetal, they pioneered the genre. they mixed other stuff along with rap and rock though, like funk


New member

No they werent Nu-Metal they were very much alternative they may of helped inspire ther Nu-Metal phase much like Run DMC could have.



New member
The best:
KoRn - they started it all (Firts 3 albums are gods of nu metal)

Deftones - almost the same as KoRn

Disturbed - solos on the last album..heavy riffs..excelent lyrics

Rage Against the machine - political attitude and awesome songs

Tool - morbid videos, and awesome songs too

LP - since I was a huge fan

Worst: Everything else

About evanescence..they are insanely boring..When I heard their concert on MTV I fall asleep
I agree with almost everything u said.

I agree with KoRn, Disturbed and them cause they are awesome. Distrubed's sound is almost godly to me(hehe). KoRn, u cant NOT like KoRn.

so yea, i agree cept Tool and Deftones



New member
I don't think Papa Roach fits nu-metal btw
and I would say SOAD was the worst nu-metal band
Well, maybe PR's first album Infest. After that it went downhill towards rock.



New member
Some of these bands you guys are talking about "Papa Roach, Disturbed" started out as nu metal but eventually went toward a more hard rock direction or something those lines. Others like System of a Down and Evanescence tread the line as "Alternative Rock/Metal" and incorporate various nu metal elements well as elements from other genres.


New member
Some of these bands you guys are talking about "Papa Roach, Disturbed" started out as nu metal but eventually went toward a more hard rock direction or something those lines. Others like System of a Down and Evanescence tread the line as "Alternative Rock/Metal" and incorporate various nu metal elements well as elements from other genres.
Disturbed become more heavy, that's true..they are heading to real metal if I may say. Papa roach..for this one, I'll laugh..they become emo girls with make up. Infest? The best. This new record? S**t!



New member
Disturbed become more heavy, that's true..they are heading to real metal if I may say.
I doubt that they'll leave their nu metal roots behind that far. But then some bands do change that much. Even still the hardcore metalhead isn't going to take them seriously. They'll still call them "nu metal ****" and just write them off the same way they do Trivium.



New member
^^ The reasson we refer to them as nu-metal **** is that those that have changed style show they have absaloutly no creative control over their record label. As soon as Nu-Metal started to be sooooooo last year, rather then try to expand nu-metal or save it all the bands where simply switched to another genre. Papa Roach for example, massive sell outs all over them, they changed their style & music! All within a day or 2, although this may mainly be down to their label it shows these bands in the commercial clown light that they deserve to be in.
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