The Bisexual/Lesbian Trend

snafu said:
Would you be considered bi if you like stuck your dick in a hole in the wall and had no idea who was on the other side? Not that I would do such a brazen thing. Just went through my mind.

Any man that frequents a glory hole is, by default, a ****ing faggot.
This just reminds me of the joke about the guy who's in the army and everyday they take turns sticking their dicks into a hole in a barrel and they get a blow job. He thought it was great until it was his turn in the barrel.
Jhony5 said:
Nothing personal man. We all know I'm an asshole.

You know I'm just ****ing with you. Say whatever ya want about me, I don't give a ****. Just leave my kid out of it and we're straight.

Hey....I wrote a ****ing song for you man. How can anything be more endearing, despite the content.

Your kid is a ****ing hot. I ****ed your kid last night, it was awesome.
Tell your kid not to be so tense next time, I'll make sure to go easier.
wolvesslasher said:
Your kid is a ****ing hot. I ****ed your kid last night, it was awesome.
Tell your kid not to be so tense next time, I'll make sure to go easier.

Ya see, that just didn't have the sting I thought it would. The internet is too sterile. I guess there is nothing I could take personally here.
wolvesslasher said:
Your kid is a ****ing hot. I ****ed your kid last night, it was awesome.
Tell your kid not to be so tense next time, I'll make sure to go easier.

I didn
Outlaw2747 said:
I have been noticing this alot. Especially the bisexual trend (moreso in teenage/young adult females than any other group). Is there a rational explanation for this occuring or is it simply attention whorism?

Totally for attention, people think if they are 'Bi' they suddenly become mysterious and different. What a load of ****.
Outlaw2747 said:
I have been noticing this alot. Especially the bisexual trend (moreso in teenage/young adult females than any other group). Is there a rational explanation for this occuring or is it simply attention whorism?

Attention whoring, plus more. 11% of the population is homosexual. Everywhere. Every culture, every time period. Sometimes its extremely well-hidden. Other times its out in the open.