The Bitch is Back in Town

tizz said:
Cool another warped mind to play with YIPPEEEEEE!!!!!

You betcha.

...and as I've mentioned in previous posts ... I'm a kindergarten teacher..and I taught in Canada for years...I probably wiped her little white ass.
skategreen said:
You betcha.

...and as I've mentioned in previous posts ... I'm a kindergarten teacher..and I taught in Canada for years...I probably wiped her little white ass.

LMFAO I teach preschool so at least we will share a love for the child like comments LOL Poopy butt you
tizz said:
LMFAO I teach preschool so at least we will share a love for the child like comments LOL Poopy butt you

:) Yah..I'm SURE we could get some good threads out of the Kids/Parent stuff. - and it would be fun to mine your views on some of that - but I'm no good at the "poopy butt you"...sigh...our school rule was "no put-downs". LMFAO...that sure as hell won't fly on these boards...

"heyyyyy! Phreak! No put-downs!! How would you like it? Now play nice!"..


Gotta don the old Card Playin Fedora..slouch with my arms upon the table ... curl the lip and loosen up my sneer ... and pull out the paint peeling taunts - but only for Snotty Nosed SD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwwahhhhhhhh! (just teasin) (I'm done with this already!)
Cripes...another "SD thinks this and that" thread.....(to be fair and honest tho...i do like you SD, or did...till your recent change to a beligerent attitudue)

Silver_dragon87 said:
Ah, sweet, temporary freedom. I'm afraid you all have to put up with me for a while longer while this MOD contest is around.

This forum is about matter how unpopular. So threatning to leave means arent going to get a "please dont go.....PAWEEZE" You either can be the underdog who makes sense...or just be a rambling idiot....dont threaten that stuff cuz no one cares post and make your point...leaving proves nothing...

Silver_dragon87 said:
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their sincere flattery, and inform you that I couldn't give a rat's ass about your patriotism or your country or most of you if I tried.
And we know nothing of your country other than you have a maple leaf on your flag. If you didnt care about this country or its wouldn make so many threads about it....lets not give us false pretences ok babe?

Silver_dragon87 said:
Also for people who actually supported me, or who hated me just as much as everyone else but still thought with the rational portions of their brains, good on you and thanks.
i supported and disagreed with you in tandem.....just like everyone else....

Because you disagree with someone, doesnt mean you cant relate to them (look at me a crispy)

Silver_dragon87 said:
So. Why am I starting a new thread? First of all, I've heard about this mod contest thing and what can I say? I enjoy running for ****, so you can bet your ass I'll be in it.
How very republican

Silver_dragon87 said:
Why? Because I realize that I have absolutely no chance to win. However, in the unlikely event that people remove their heads from their asses and listen to what is....usually reason ;) I'd be thrilled to stick around. Why again? Because if I ever manage to get revenge, I like to rub it in.
Revenge for what?

Silver_dragon87 said:
Now, stick around, you say? Am I buggering off? Until I got wind of this little contest and my temporary freedom, I had decided to leave you to your festering, just as in real life. And for the record, though you can edit what you read to your heart's content, I am not 'scared off' by your stupidity and 'threats,' nor does your rage affect me in any way. The only reason I made this decision was because your willingness to leap into battle when someone insults your pathetic, blind pride was sickening, and really quite sad. I've had my fill of idiots, and to tell the truth I'm quite disappointed by what GF turned out to be.
WYPO is what the members make it to be. If you cant tell an idiot they are so, then whos fault is it that it isnt to your liking? I get badgered constantly, but im still here and happy to be so. because if i can enlighten one person on my philosophies and beliefs to make someone a better person with whatever kindness or nastyness i have at my disposal then i have done my job as a human being..

But calling the very members you are sticking around to be a "mod" for idiots with blind pride Then clearly you are sticking around for the wrong reasons....

Silver_dragon87 said:
I joined this site with two goals in mind--to debate serious issues with intelligent people from around the world, and to pick fights with morons. One of those needs has been met several times over, and I bet you can guess which one. Not only is this site NOT impressively international, but it is overrun by hateful morons. And yes, of course I'm full of hatred too. Hatred can be a completely rational thing, when combined with a shred of intelligence. This hatred is blind, thoughtless, and without merit or point. A bunch of primates slinging their **** at each other, and I'm sick of it.
How can you get through to hateful morons without talking to them. Politics gets nowhere....getting through to individuals is where it is at. Sure some you can never get through or reach...but others you can. But insulting someone because of the country they happen to be born in just shuts the door to anyone listning to you or even considering what you have to say.

Perhaps im wrong, that isnt common knowledge...

Silver_dragon87 said:
So what am I doing here? While I'm waiting to see who gets crowned lord of the idiots with cameos of actual thought, I'm going to use my freedom from the box to start a few threads on issues I'd actually like to discuss. Just so that when I look back on this place from the site I plan to create--a place of learning, thinking, and philosophy--I will have a few fond memories of it. I can say, 'at least I started some real threads.'

And most of them were just as hateful as the ones you bitched about.....tsk tsk tsk

Silver_dragon87 said:
So the point of all this is very simple. Your hatred, indignation, and outrage can kiss my ass. You can charge into battle as fiercely and as often as you like; it doesn't make you look tough. I AM leaving the site, barring a miraculous turn in my reputation (resulting in incentive to stick around: powa! muhuwahahaha!) to create my own..........temple. The old philosophy club--online. If I have any respect for you at all, you'll be receiving an invitation to join when I actually get around to making the damn thing. If you'd like to tell me to bugger off, you're welcome to; I realize how terribly American most of you are.
I dont want you to 'bugger" off. But i want you to get over your canadian textbook version of what americans are and figure out that we are humans and just because our government does crap we dont want or agree with, and our voting system is as archaic as rasputins **** floating in a jar....we just want to live our life just like everyone else. SO knock off the crap like we are all stereotypical gun-toting redneckian texans.....


Silver_dragon87 said:
Leaving as many exit wounds as possible,
Lots of love, pity, and hope,

Remember you cannot debate without if you leave people will say good riddance....if you stay they will say **** off.......

which would you rather respond too?
Vortex, while you attempt to raise some valid points about myself and the way I think, I'm afraid they're pretty much entirely off the mark. As for ignoring idiots, it's true that ignoring something doesn't do it any good--but I've spent years attempting to get through to these morons (not THESE morons, but their general populace) and it's done no good. You can't argue with an idiot because he doesn't understand reason. That's why I have tactfully decided to generally ignore them and not get mired down in the ****-slinging--unless I'm really in the mood for it. On the whole I've come to realize that it's a waste of time when you have nothing to vent about--it's just endless frustration. So all the little idiots (and as I attempt to use my remaining time here as an exercise, I won't even name names) can take their patriotism and **** each other with it aaaalllll they want.

And as for my 'threats,' I never made any. I simply stated that I intend to leave the site unless something compels me to stay. GF is on its final probation for me, and if all I see is more mindless chatter, I'm going to slip away without a fuss and try something else. I'm not sulking or making threats or calling anyone names--more so than usual. All I'm saying is that it's about time to break up with the site. We're not working out thus far, we're not right for each other. I prefer the company of civilized human beings, you're all, in general, knee-deep in **** and loving it. There was a time, until about a month ago, when I too basked in that place. But I'm growing tired of the childishness and I'm making an exit.

So basically, stop inventing **** about me and, if you want to make valid accusations, listen to what I'm actually saying. You know, not the things you selectively hear and interpret.
Silver_dragon87 said:

So basically, stop inventing **** about me and, if you want to make valid accusations, listen to what I'm actually saying. You know, not the things you selectively hear and interpret.

When was inventing **** about you? Only thing i can think of is when i confused you for pjbuk or whatever his name is....
You accused me of making threats. You quite mistakenly accused me of giving a **** about your country. You assumed I appreciate being called babe by someone who has drawn their line in the sand against me. Sorry, but sometimes I'm very black and white; if you're not with me, you're against me. That, of course, are my war rules. (When there's hatred a-flyin'.) You called me a republican, which I take as a GRAVE insult. And you made insinuations that I wasn't staying for the reason I said I was. I believe I was very clear on this--I'm staying for a little while to see who gets crowned the new MOD and how they accomplish it, and then I'm off.

And telling someone you hate their country does not always close them off. I told my two best friends right off the bat that I despise their country and most people in it. They've been my best friends for a few years now--they don't seem offended by it, now do they?

And I did not learn what I learned from a textbook; our history texts are quite neutral. They state the facts, teachers posed some questions, and we formed our own opinions.

You can convince me that most of you are not warmongering yokels when you provide me with evidence. Remember, if I say all, I actually mean most. But most doesn't have any impact. :)
Silver_dragon87 said:
You accused me of making threats.

The threat of leaving unless someone/thing changes your mind. I never understood why someone comes into a place hangs around then sais "im tired of you good bye (inserting general insults to members etc)" I myself find those posts annoying to read.

Silver_dragon87 said:
You quite mistakenly accused me of giving a **** about your country.
well it has entered into most of your posts i cant be that mistaken

Silver_dragon87 said:
You assumed I appreciate being called babe by someone who has drawn their line in the sand against me.
i have drawn no lines against you SD. Many others have posted their general discontent with you in the past, given you bad rep from what i have noticed and i actually like many of your posts, till recently. I can disagree with someone and not hate them or draw lines. Hell i can be so infuriated by someones comments and then turn around and agree with them in the next post....

Silver_dragon87 said:
Sorry, but sometimes I'm very black and white; if you're not with me, you're against me. That, of course, are my war rules. (When there's hatred a-flyin'.)
this attitude is a big part of why i hate president bush

Silver_dragon87 said:
You called me a republican, which I take as a GRAVE insult.
i called your comment very republican not you

Silver_dragon87 said:
And you made insinuations that I wasn't staying for the reason I said I was. I believe I was very clear on this--I'm staying for a little while to see who gets crowned the new MOD and how they accomplish it, and then I'm off.
Why bother saying that, you only invite thats that actually HAVE driven that imaginary line in the sand reason to badger and flame you making your exit all that much more easy.....almost giving you a real reason for leaving....

Silver_dragon87 said:
And telling someone you hate their country does not always close them off. I told my two best friends right off the bat that I despise their country.......
Im not a fan of my own country so this did not close me off. My father and his family moved to this country to make a better life for themselves. How ironic if i had the power and more motivation i would greatly want to move out of this country to make a better life for myself....
Silver_dragon87 said:
and most people in it.
This is the comment i didnt care for, this is the comment that closed me off for now...

Silver_dragon87 said:
And I did not learn what I learned from a textbook; our history texts are quite neutral. They state the facts, teachers posed some questions, and we formed our own opinions.
i used the word textbook as rhetorical, not literally learning it in school

Silver_dragon87 said:
You can convince me that most of you are not warmongering yokels when you provide me with evidence. Remember, if I say all, I actually mean most. But most doesn't have any impact. :)
If it helps i am not for this war, and i see it as the beginning of some great travasty that hasnt occoured yet. But Bush never returns my phone calls....
The fact that I'm leaving unless my mind is changed is not a threat unless someone feels threatened by it. Since no one here gives a damn whether I stay or go, it's not a threat now is it? It's my own decision. I'm giving it a little while--to think it over some more--and then I'm making up my mind.

The reason people go somewhere, hang around, then say they're tired of the people there is generally because they ARE tired of the people there. I've come, I've seen, I've had some fun. I'm ready to move on to smaller and better things ;)

The fact that I talk a lot about your country does not mean I care about it. I care about the Canadians at Heart who are suffering there, and I care about the REST of the world. I care only in that you're ****ing up my planet, and I'm tired of it. (Not you personally, you as in the general populace in your country.) Lol if you personally could **** up the entire world, my hat's off to you.

As for me and my divisions in times when I feel I am, on some level, at 'war' (even if it's miniscule), that's the way I feel. You can't begrudge someone their feelings, only the reasoning behind them. It may be unjust and even childish, but it's how I feel. Just because I feel someone is against me doesn't necessarily mean that I hate them either. And also, you should note, on a day-to-day basis, I always ALWAYS say that not being with me does NOT automatically make you against me.

Calling anything I do republican is as good to me as calling me one outright--because I'm so sensative about being called evil.

People always flame me. They're welcome to continue if they'd like, I just wish people would think before they do so.

I can see no reason why you should feel closed because I hate most people in your country. Most of your country is a 'red' state and I despise most people who vote 'red.' Therefore, I hate most people in your country.

I'm aware that you meant textbook rhetorically, but I could think of no other place in which someone would have TAUGHT me my views on your country. That's where we learned about the US before we started really watching the news ourselves.

I never suspected that you would be for the war, but that really has no bearing on my opinions. I never said I disliked you--hell, I love you to bits, but then I have a soft spot for the gays. Anyway, my problem is not really with you, even if I feel distanced from you and most others if I'm not receiving outright hostility. I'm just nitpicking with you for something to do.

Silver_dragon87 said:

Anyway, my problem is not really with you, even if I feel distanced from you and most others if I'm not receiving outright hostility.

We arent that far away, im just a few short hours drive from your country

Silver_dragon87 said:
I'm just nitpicking with you for something to do.

Fair enough, and pretty much likewise....
Well I highly soubt you are gonna see much begging from this crowd so incase I miss ya later


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya :p