The Blame Game

ya, maybe i am an ass, everybody has thier opinion, and i do understand that alot, well hell most people know alot more about poitics escecially than i do, however, i can only base my thoughts, and comments on what i have seen in the little time that i have paid attention to politics, being that i am 19 years old, most of my political knowlege has come during the bush administration, i never really paid much attention to clinton, being that i was too young to care, most of the time i am a harshly opinionated person, but i can admit when i am wrong, and MRIH i apologize for misunderstanding your statement about New Oreleans, and thinking you were being unsensitive to the people. I definately agree with the fact that most of the blame of the people that got injured lies in the fact that they did not leave, that is sheer stupidity, i lost a family member beacuse she was too dumb to leave when told to, however i dont beleive it a fault of any one person or administration, yes the clinton administration was ****ed up, but am i wrong in thinking that the bush administration should have done the stuff clinton did not? And who is to blame for the late action of the federal goverment?
What MRIH is saying is valid. It seems as though the governer and mayor Nigin ( thats friggin hilarious MRIH :D ) are hiding behind the shadow cast from the incompetence of the federal resonse. What really struck a cord with me was the way this mayor spoke when he was upset in the begining days of this. Remember that "desperate plea for help" that the media kept replaying?
That didn't sound like an elected official responsible for a major US city. He sounded like ****ing Ice Cube from the his days with N.W.A. Our elected officials aren't supposed to talk like that. It suggests panic and loss of control, which may have been the case but you don't make a broadcast like that to city full of panicky ******s.
The mayor and governer might think they are gonna come out of this like innocent victims, but I bet they don't.
Jhony5 said:
What really struck a cord with me was the way this mayor spoke when he was upset in the begining days of this. Remember that "desperate plea for help" that the media kept replaying?
That didn't sound like an elected official responsible for a major US city. He sounded like ****ing Ice Cube from the his days with N.W.A. Our elected officials aren't supposed to talk like that. It suggests panic and loss of control, which may have been the case but you don't make a broadcast like that to city full of panicky ******s.
The mayor and governer might think they are gonna come out of this like innocent victims, but I bet they don't.

Amen to that. Getting on the radio all swearing and stuff like that, how completely unprofessional. If bush got on the news, after i were done laughing our asses off, i would definately feel that there is some sort of breakdown.