• Thread starter theloneranger100@aol.com
  • Start date
On Dec 21, 2:16�pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:
> On Dec 21, 2:03�pm, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 1:02�pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > market is up over 150 points

> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> not if homosexuals and oprah watchin' bubble-headed housewives can't
> vote.
> and when Cheney declares martial law, and becomes emperor, he'll
> repeal the 19th amendment, and you and all the degenerates will be put
> in reeducation camps.

Smoke Another Bowl, DumbAss............
<theloneranger100@aol.com> wrote in message
> Yup........The Bush Economy just keeps BOOMING ALONG.........Ain't It
> GRAND?..........Heehee...........

Yup....You Leftist Sonsabitches don't know how GOOD You have it....In the
Banana Republics, the working poor have to build their own Shacks on the
outskirts of Town....Here in the USA, the Peons Can still afford
TENTS ....Good thing there ain't no Banana Republicans in the
USA....Donchaknow.....Thank you, President Bush....for Trickling down your

Tent city in suburbs is cost of home crisis
Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:11pm EST
By Dana Ford

ONTARIO, California (Reuters) - Between railroad tracks and beneath the roar
of departing planes sits "tent city," a terminus for homeless people. It is
not, as might be expected, in a blighted city center, but in the
once-booming suburbia of Southern California.

The noisy, dusty camp sprang up in July with 20 residents and now numbers
200 people, including several children, growing as this region east of Los
Angeles has been hit by the U.S. housing crisis.

The unraveling of the region known as the Inland Empire reads like a 21st
century version of "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck's novel about
families driven from their lands by the Great Depression.

As more families throw in the towel and head to foreclosure here and across
the nation, the social costs of collapse are adding up in the form of higher
rates of homelessness, crime and even disease.

While no current residents claim to be victims of foreclosure, all agree
that tent city is a symptom of the wider economic downturn. And it's just a
matter of time before foreclosed families end up at tent city, local housing
experts say.

"They don't hit the streets immediately," said activist Jane Mercer. Most
families can find transitional housing in a motel or with friends before
turning to charity or the streets. "They only hit tent city when they really
bottom out."

Steve, 50, who declined to give his last name, moved to tent city four
months ago. He gets social security payments, but cannot work and said rents
are too high.

"House prices are going down, but the rentals are sky-high," said Steve. "If
it wasn't for here, I wouldn't have a place to go."


Nationally, foreclosures are at an all-time high. Filings are up nearly 100
percent from a year ago, according to the data firm RealtyTrac. Officials
say that as many as half a million people could lose their homes as
adjustable mortgage rates rise over the next two years.

California ranks second in the nation for foreclosure filings -- one per 88
households last quarter. Within California, San Bernardino county in the
Inland Empire is worse -- one filing for every 43 households, according to

Maryanne Hernandez bought her dream house in San Bernardino in 2003 and now
risks losing it after falling four months behind on mortgage payments.

"It's not just us. It's all over," said Hernandez, who lives in a
neighborhood where most families are struggling to meet payments and many
have lost their homes.

She has noticed an increase in crime since the foreclosures started. Her
house was robbed, her kids' bikes were stolen and she worries about what
type of message empty houses send.

The pattern is cropping up in communities across the country, like
Cleveland, Ohio, where Mark Wiseman, director of the Cuyahoga County
Foreclosure Prevention Program, said there are entire blocks of homes in
Cleveland where 60 or 70 percent of houses are boarded up.

"I don't think there are enough police to go after criminals holed up in
those houses, squatting or doing drug deals or whatever," Wiseman said.

"And it's not just a problem of a neighborhood filled with people squatting
in the vacant houses, it's the people left behind, who have to worry about
people taking siding off your home or breaking into your house while you're

Health risks are also on the rise. All those empty swimming pools in
California's Inland Empire have become breeding grounds for mosquitoes,
which can transmit the sometimes deadly West Nile virus, Riverside County
officials say.


But it is not just homeowners who are hit by the foreclosure wave. People
who rent now find themselves in a tighter, more expensive market as demand
rises from families who lost homes, said Jean Beil, senior vice president
for programs and services at Catholic Charities USA.

"Folks who would have been in a house before are now in an apartment and
folks that would have been in an apartment, now can't afford it," said Beil.
"It has a trickle-down effect."

For cities, foreclosures can trigger a range of short-term costs, like added
policing, inspection and code enforcement. These expenses can be
significant, said Lt. Scott Patterson with the San Bernardino Police
Department, but the larger concern is that vacant properties lower home
values and in the long-run, decrease tax revenues.

And it all comes at a time when municipalities are ill-equipped to respond.
High foreclosure rates and declining home values are sapping property tax
revenues, a key source of local funding to tackle such problems.

Earlier this month, U.S. President George W. Bush rolled out a plan to slow
foreclosures by freezing the interest rates on some loans. But for many in
these parts, the intervention is too little and too late.

Ken Sawa, CEO of Catholic Charities in San Bernardino and Riverside
counties, said his organization is overwhelmed and ill-equipped to handle
the volume of people seeking help.

"We feel helpless," said Sawa. "Obviously, it's a local problem because it's
in our backyard, but the solution is not local."

(Additional reporting by Andrea Hopkins in Ohio; Editing by Mary Milliken
and Eddie Evans)
"SwampMidget" <webmaster@101click.com> wrote in message
> market is up over 150 points
> remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

Holy ****! It oughtta be a very Merry Christmas for you!! You can buy a
new tent for your family with your stock market gains....
"theloneranger100@aol.com" <ScreenBeret100@aol.com> wrote in message
On Dec 21, 11:21 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Dec 21, 1:17 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 11:12 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > On Dec 21, 1:07 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > > > > market is up over 150 points

> > > > > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > > > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > > Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > > they CAN'T get Anything
> > > > Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > Nope. They're the majority.

> > Smoke Another Bowl, DumbAss............- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> So, where do you live, Ranger? Afraid of something? Hummmmm?- Hide quoted
> text -
> - Show quoted text -

I really Piss You OFF, *****........Isn't that Just TOO

You piss down your own pantleg daily, dipshit....
On Dec 21, 5:22 pm, "Jorge W. Arbusto, Presidential Candidate"
<fakera...@crawford.tex> wrote:
> "SwampMidget" <webmas...@101click.com> wrote in message
> news:0b6c425a-561e-4092-8653-e168221ca8f5@j20g2000hsi.googlegroups.com...
> > market is up over 150 points

> > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> Holy ****! It oughtta be a very Merry Christmas for you!! You can buy a
> new tent for your family with your stock market gains....

Midget has admitted his ignorance, When asked what Ken Starr
reported about Hillary's cattle future deal he said," I don't know for
On Dec 21, 5:23�pm, "Jorge W. Arbusto, Presidential Candidate"
<fakera...@crawford.tex> wrote:
> "theloneranger...@aol.com" <ScreenBeret...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:457fd5d9-c5f2-4c21-91fc-6650a27eb09b@q77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
> On Dec 21, 11:21 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 1:17 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > On Dec 21, 11:12 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > On Dec 21, 1:07 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > > > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > > On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > > > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > > > > > market is up over 150 points

> > > > > > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > > > > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > > > Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > > > they CAN'T get Anything
> > > > > Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > > Nope. They're the majority.

> > > Smoke Another Bowl, DumbAss............- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > So, where do you live, Ranger? Afraid of something? Hummmmm?- Hide quoted
> > text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> I really Piss You OFF, *****........Isn't that Just TOO
> BAD?........Heehee.........
> You piss down your own pantleg daily, dipshit....- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You Poor, Pathetic Sonuvabitch.............
On Dec 22, 6:16 am, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
<theloneranger...@aol.com> wrote:
> On Dec 21, 5:23�pm, "Jorge W. Arbusto, Presidential Candidate"
> <fakera...@crawford.tex> wrote:
> > "theloneranger...@aol.com" <ScreenBeret...@aol.com> wrote in message

> >news:457fd5d9-c5f2-4c21-91fc-6650a27eb09b@q77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
> > On Dec 21, 11:21 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > On Dec 21, 1:17 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > On Dec 21, 11:12 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > > On Dec 21, 1:07 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > > > > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > > > On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > > > > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > > > > > > market is up over 150 points

> > > > > > > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > > > > > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > > > > Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > > > > they CAN'T get Anything
> > > > > > Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > > > Nope. They're the majority.

> > > > Smoke Another Bowl, DumbAss............- Hide quoted text -

> > > > - Show quoted text -

> > > So, where do you live, Ranger? Afraid of something? Hummmmm?- Hide quoted
> > > text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > I really Piss You OFF, *****........Isn't that Just TOO
> > BAD?........Heehee.........

> > You piss down your own pantleg daily, dipshit....- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> You Poor, Pathetic Sonuvabitch.............- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Smoke another Bowl, you asslicking, braindead, inbred, rightard
Goober. <snicker>
SwampMidget <webmaster@101click.com> wrote in news:467322e7-288b-40f3-b333-

> hillary's "magic" commodities trading:
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-


July 23, 1979: She withdrew $60,000 and never traded
again, closing the account in October.

To anyone with a working brain cell, this screams "PAYOFF!"

Alas, that hypothetical brain cell would not be Grapman's.

I'd rather be a conservative nut job
than a liberal with no nuts and no job.
<theloneranger100@aol.com> wrote in message
On Dec 21, 5:23?pm, "Jorge W. Arbusto, Presidential Candidate"
<fakera...@crawford.tex> wrote:
> "theloneranger...@aol.com" <ScreenBeret...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:457fd5d9-c5f2-4c21-91fc-6650a27eb09b@q77g2000hsh.googlegroups.com...
> On Dec 21, 11:21 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > On Dec 21, 1:17 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > On Dec 21, 11:12 am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > On Dec 21, 1:07 pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"

> > > > <ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > > > On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > > > > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > > > > > market is up over 150 points

> > > > > > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > > > > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > > > Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > > > they CAN'T get Anything
> > > > > Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > > Nope. They're the majority.

> > > Smoke Another Bowl, DumbAss............- Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > So, where do you live, Ranger? Afraid of something? Hummmmm?- Hide
> > quoted
> > text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> I really Piss You OFF, *****........Isn't that Just TOO
> BAD?........Heehee.........
> You piss down your own pantleg daily, dipshit....- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

> You Poor, Pathetic Sonuvabitch.............

Yup...Them Leftist Pukes Sure are some Pathetic Sonsabitches....The probably
expect the Government to provide Them with NEW TENTS....Donchaknow.....Ain't
it a HOOT!!

Tent city in suburbs is cost of U.S. home crisis
a.. Reuters
b.. Friday December 21 2007
By Dana Ford
ONTARIO, Calif., Dec 21 (Reuters) - Between railroad tracks and beneath the
roar of departing planes sits "tent city," a terminus for homeless people.
It is not, as might be expected, in a blighted city center, but in the
once-booming suburbia of Southern California.
The noisy, dusty camp sprang up in July with 20 residents and now numbers
200 people, including several children, growing as this region east of Los
Angeles has been hit by the U.S. housing crisis.
The unraveling of the region known as the Inland Empire reads like a 21st
century version of "The Grapes of Wrath," John Steinbeck's novel about
families driven from their lands by the Great Depression.
As more families throw in the towel and head to foreclosure here and across
the nation, the social costs of collapse are adding up in the form of higher
rates of homelessness, crime and even disease.
While no current residents claim to be victims of foreclosure, all agree
that tent city is a symptom of the wider economic downturn. And it's just a
matter of time before foreclosed families end up at tent city, local housing
experts say.
"They don't hit the streets immediately," said activist Jane Mercer. Most
families can find transitional housing in a motel or with friends before
turning to charity or the streets. "They only hit tent city when they really
bottom out."
Steve, 50, who declined to give his last name, moved to tent city four
months ago. He gets social security payments, but cannot work and said rents
are too high.
"House prices are going down, but the rentals are sky-high," said Steve. "If
it wasn't for here, I wouldn't have a place to go."
Nationally, foreclosures are at an all-time high. Filings are up nearly 100
percent from a year ago, according to the data firm RealtyTrac. Officials
say that as many as half a million people could lose their homes as
adjustable mortgage rates rise over the next two years.
California ranks second in the nation for foreclosure filings -- one per 88
households last quarter. Within California, San Bernardino county in the
Inland Empire is worse -- one filing for every 43 households, according to
Maryanne Hernandez bought her dream house in San Bernardino in 2003 and now
risks losing it after falling four months behind on mortgage payments.
"It's not just us. It's all over," said Hernandez, who lives in a
neighborhood where most families are struggling to meet payments and many
have lost their homes.
She has noticed an increase in crime since the foreclosures started. Her
house was robbed, her kids' bikes were stolen and she worries about what
type of message empty houses send.
The pattern is cropping up in communities across the country, like
Cleveland, Ohio, where Mark Wiseman, director of the Cuyahoga County
Foreclosure Prevention Program, said there are entire blocks of homes in
Cleveland where 60 or 70 percent of houses are boarded up.
"I don't think there are enough police to go after criminals holed up in
those houses, squatting or doing drug deals or whatever," Wiseman said.
"And it's not just a problem of a neighborhood filled with people squatting
in the vacant houses, it's the people left behind, who have to worry about
people taking siding off your home or breaking into your house while you're
Health risks are also on the rise. All those empty swimming pools in
California's Inland Empire have become breeding grounds for mosquitoes,
which can transmit the sometimes deadly West Nile virus, Riverside County
officials say.
But it is not just homeowners who are hit by the foreclosure wave. People
who rent now find themselves in a tighter, more expensive market as demand
rises from families who lost homes, said Jean Beil, senior vice president
for programs and services at Catholic Charities USA.
"Folks who would have been in a house before are now in an apartment and
folks that would have been in an apartment, now can't afford it," said Beil.
"It has a trickle-down effect."
For cities, foreclosures can trigger a range of short-term costs, like added
policing, inspection and code enforcement. These expenses can be
significant, said Lt. Scott Patterson with the San Bernardino Police
Department, but the larger concern is that vacant properties lower home
values and in the long-run, decrease tax revenues.
And it all comes at a time when municipalities are ill-equipped to respond.
High foreclosure rates and declining home values are sapping property tax
revenues, a key source of local funding to tackle such problems.
Earlier this month, U.S. President George W. Bush rolled out a plan to slow
foreclosures by freezing the interest rates on some loans. But for many in
these parts, the intervention is too little and too late.
Ken Sawa, CEO of Catholic Charities in San Bernardino and Riverside
counties, said his organization is overwhelmed and ill-equipped to handle
the volume of people seeking help.
"We feel helpless," said Sawa. "Obviously, it's a local problem because it's
in our backyard, but the solution is not local."
"Jim Alder" <jimalder@ssnet.com> wrote in message
> SwampMidget <webmaster@101click.com> wrote in
> news:467322e7-288b-40f3-b333-
> db020ca1aaa0@d21g2000prf.googlegroups.com:
>> hillary's "magic" commodities trading:
>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-

> srv/politics/special/whitewater/stories/wwtr940527.htm
> July 23, 1979: She withdrew $60,000 and never traded
> again, closing the account in October.
> To anyone with a working brain cell, this screams "PAYOFF!"

To anyone not suffering from a recto-cranial inversion, and that ain't you,
Alderloon, this screams "Desperate Political Smear!"

" Even allocated trades would not necessarily have benefited Clinton,
Melamed added. "I have no reason to change my original assessment. Mrs.
Clinton violated no rules in the course of her transactions," he said."

> --
> I'd rather be a conservative nut job
> than a liberal with no nuts and no job.

You've succeded at all three, so what does that make you, Alderloon?
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus
<jkraus_1906@yahoo.com> wrote:

>On Dec 21, 1:07
On Sat, 22 Dec 2007 11:50:09 -0600, Jim Alder
<jimalder@ssnet.com> wrote:

>July 23, 1979: She withdrew $60,000 and never traded
>again, closing the account in October.
> To anyone with a working brain cell, this screams "PAYOFF!"

To any ass-kicked, rightwing loser, you mean.



On Wed, 24 Jan 2007 10:05:54 -0600, Jim Alder
<jimalder@ssnet.com> wrote:

> Windbag, PLEASE put me in your killfile!? I am so ****ing sick
>of your stupid, lame, moronic, smarmy crap I could plotz.
On Dec 22, 1:13�pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus
> <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >On Dec 21, 1:07�pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> >> > > market is up over 150 points

> >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> >> they CAN'T get Anything
> >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> >Nope. �They're the majority. �But the righties have all the money.
> >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! �Time for some
> >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> >Ranger? �Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? �Time to
> >string the bastards up, don't you think? �Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? �What do you think?

> Lying dork.
> "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.
> It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.
> You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> his liberalism.
> So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.
> Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> liberals also donate blood."
> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........
On Dec 22, 5:29 pm, JakTheHammer <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote:
> On Dec 22, 1:13�pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus

> > <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >On Dec 21, 1:07�pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> > ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > >> > > market is up over 150 points

> > >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > >> they CAN'T get Anything
> > >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > >Nope. �They're the majority. �But the righties have all the money.
> > >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! �Time for some
> > >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> > >Ranger? �Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? �Time to
> > >string the bastards up, don't you think? �Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> > >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? �What do you think?

> > Lying dork.

> > "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> > charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> > They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

> > It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> > 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

> > You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> > came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> > charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> > his liberalism.

> > So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> > during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> > to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.

> > Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> > conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> > liberals also donate blood."

> >http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -

> Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

What hypocrisy coming from rightard sons of whores (married to whores)
who cluster****ed Katrina and lied about WMDs in order start the bogus
Iraq War. The best part of you obviously ran down your slut mother's
The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged kids.

What have you done?

"JakTheHammer" <jakthhmmr@aol.com> wrote in message
On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus
> <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> >> > > market is up over 150 points

> >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> >> they CAN'T get Anything
> >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
> >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for some
> >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time to
> >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

> Lying dork.
> "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.
> It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.
> You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> his liberalism.
> So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.
> Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> liberals also donate blood."
> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-

Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........
"robw" <noddy093@comcast.net> wrote in message
> The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
> participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged kids.
> What have you done?

He's whacked off to gay kiddie porn and posted his usual idiotic drivel to

> "JakTheHammer" <jakthhmmr@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:f76a9ac3-c8f5-4ffb-bb6a-6f6412a3a762@t1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
> On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus
>> <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
>> ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
>> >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>> >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

>> >> > > market is up over 150 points

>> >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

>> >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

>> >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
>> >> they CAN'T get Anything
>> >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

>> >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
>> >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for some
>> >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
>> >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time to
>> >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
>> >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

>> Lying dork.
>> "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
>> charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
>> They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.
>> It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
>> 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.
>> You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
>> came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
>> charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
>> his liberalism.
>> So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
>> during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
>> to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.
>> Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
>> conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
>> liberals also donate blood."
>> http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-

> Hide quoted text -
>> - Show quoted text -

> Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........
I sit back and LAUGH at You Silly Sonsabitches, You Little Retarded
*******............You Morons are So ****ED

On Dec 22, 7:55�pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
> participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged kids.
> What have you done?
> "JakTheHammer" <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:f76a9ac3-c8f5-4ffb-bb6a-6f6412a3a762@t1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
> On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus

> > <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> > ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > >> > > market is up over 150 points

> > >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > >> they CAN'T get Anything
> > >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
> > >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for some
> > >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> > >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time to
> > >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> > >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

> > Lying dork.

> > "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> > charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> > They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

> > It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> > 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

> > You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> > came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> > charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> > his liberalism.

> > So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> > during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> > to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.

> > Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> > conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> > liberals also donate blood."

> >http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-

> Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

> Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
It's "f cked up" to help feed hungry people?
To help organise and run a show where admission is a toy that goes to kids
that would do without???

You're not real bright, are you?

<theloneranger100@aol.com> wrote in message
I sit back and LAUGH at You Silly Sonsabitches, You Little Retarded
*******............You Morons are So ****ED

On Dec 22, 7:55?pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
> participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged kids.
> What have you done?
> "JakTheHammer" <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:f76a9ac3-c8f5-4ffb-bb6a-6f6412a3a762@t1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
> On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus

> > <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> > ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > >> > > market is up over 150 points

> > >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > >> they CAN'T get Anything
> > >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
> > >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for some
> > >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> > >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time to
> > >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> > >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

> > Lying dork.

> > "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> > charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> > They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

> > It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> > 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

> > You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> > came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> > charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> > his liberalism.

> > So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> > during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> > to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.

> > Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> > conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> > liberals also donate blood."

> >http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-

> Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

> Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........- Hide quoted

text -
> - Show quoted text -
Naw........You're ALL ****ED UP, You Little Retarded

On Dec 24, 5:10�pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> It's "f cked up" to help feed hungry people?
> To help organise and run a �show where admission is a toy that goes to kids
> that would do without???
> You're not real bright, are you?
> <theloneranger...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:d65e62b7-fa7f-4d2e-a17f-4806126f804d@f52g2000hsa.googlegroups.com...
> I sit back and LAUGH at You Silly Sonsabitches, You Little Retarded
> *******............You Morons are So ****ED
> UP..........Donchaknow..........Heehee.........
> On Dec 22, 7:55?pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
> > participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged kids.

> > What have you done?

> > "JakTheHammer" <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote in message

> >news:f76a9ac3-c8f5-4ffb-bb6a-6f6412a3a762@t1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
> > On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:

> > > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus

> > > <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> > > ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > >> > > market is up over 150 points

> > > >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > >> they CAN'T get Anything
> > > >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
> > > >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for some
> > > >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> > > >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time to
> > > >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> > > >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

> > > Lying dork.

> > > "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> > > charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> > > They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

> > > It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> > > 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

> > > You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> > > came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> > > charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> > > his liberalism.

> > > So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> > > during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> > > to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.

> > > Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> > > conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> > > liberals also donate blood."

> > >http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2006/11/who_really_cares.html-

> > Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........- Hide quoted

> text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -
Ah, so you do nothing to help people.

I get it.

<theloneranger100@aol.com> wrote in message
Naw........You're ALL ****ED UP, You Little Retarded

On Dec 24, 5:10?pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> It's "f cked up" to help feed hungry people?
> To help organise and run a ?show where admission is a toy that goes to

> that would do without???
> You're not real bright, are you?
> <theloneranger...@aol.com> wrote in message
> news:d65e62b7-fa7f-4d2e-a17f-4806126f804d@f52g2000hsa.googlegroups.com...
> I sit back and LAUGH at You Silly Sonsabitches, You Little Retarded
> *******............You Morons are So ****ED
> UP..........Donchaknow..........Heehee.........
> On Dec 22, 7:55?pm, "robw" <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > The Artist/Muse and I worked a Soup Kitchen for Thanksgiving and
> > participated in a show where admission was a toy for underprivileged

> > What have you done?

> > "JakTheHammer" <jakthh...@aol.com> wrote in message

> >news:f76a9ac3-c8f5-4ffb-bb6a-6f6412a3a762@t1g2000pra.googlegroups.com...
> > On Dec 22, 1:13?pm, mightyslow <mighty...@comcast.net> wrote:

> > > On Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:12:07 -0800 (PST), Jerry Kraus

> > > <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > > >On Dec 21, 1:07?pm, "theloneranger...@aol.com"
> > > ><ScreenRanger...@aol.com> wrote:
> > > >> On Dec 21, 11:03?am, Jerry Kraus <jkraus_1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> > > >> > On Dec 21, 1:02?pm, SwampMidget <webmas...@101click.com> wrote:

> > > >> > > market is up over 150 points

> > > >> > > remember, good news for the USA is bad news for lib dems.

> > > >> > Who make up the majority of the US population!

> > > >> Naw........The Lefties are a MINORITY, DumbAss..........That's Why
> > > >> they CAN'T get Anything
> > > >> Done..........Donchaknow..........Dork............

> > > >Nope. ?They're the majority. ?But the righties have all the money.
> > > >And they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves! ?Time for

> > > >serious violence against the right in the US, don't you think,
> > > >Ranger? ?Otherwise, why should they do anything for the poor? ?Time

> > > >string the bastards up, don't you think? ?Maybe crucify Bill Gates?
> > > >You know, bring in the religious element, a bit? ?What do you think?

> > > Lying dork.

> > > "People who identify themselves as conservatives donate money to
> > > charity more often than people who identify themselves as liberals.
> > > They donate more money and a higher percentage of their incomes.

> > > It is not that conservatives have more money. Liberal families average
> > > 6 percent higher incomes than conservative families.

> > > You may recall a flap during the 2000 election campaign when the fact
> > > came out that Al Gore donated a smaller percentage of his income to
> > > charity than the national average. That was perfectly consistent with
> > > his liberalism.

> > > So is the fact that most of the states that voted for John Kerry
> > > during the 2004 election donated a lower percentage of their incomes
> > > to charity than the states that voted for George W. Bush.

> > > Conservatives not only donate more money to charity than liberals do,
> > > conservatives volunteer more time as well. More conservatives than
> > > liberals also donate blood."

> >

> > Hide quoted text -

> > > - Show quoted text -

> > Lefties are Selfish Bastards.........Donchaknow.........- Hide quoted

> text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -