The Count to 1

ooo third person invisable?
really, matt? you know what i dont like either? hmmm? ppl who have nothing better to say so they make up random stuff about ppl on threads? hmmm...poor people=chavs? now that too facist even for me! i may be a bitch but i ve learnt how to do it properly, do here is some of my best advice so listen carefully, if you make up **** about ppl you atleast should make it vaguly believable...
649...this is comming from the man who like booba and cake. you must have really streched ur brain for the come back. btw shouldnt you have something better to do. why wast ur time on me if you dont even like me. afterall you wasting minutes of your life your not going get back!
647......ermmmm chavs syg? well i'm not upper class like you so i must be one but i'd rather be that than be a spoilt brat like you.

i'd also rather spend time chatting to matt than you because at least hes genuine and he doesn't look down on ppl who don't have as much as he does.

you need to get a reality check and see that the whole world does not revolve around you.

Yea its comming from a guy that likes boobs n cake..... ur point being wow you really know how to come back like no other. Why do u do what u said u do and go away and crawl in ur shame corner that u seem to visit o so much.