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But im a cookie adict! Its a serious problem!

If u dont give me one I will just quiver n cry n cry n cry till i finnaly get over it, but thats not the point I shouldnt have to cry in the first place! Im too lovable for that :(

Psssh worth a shot

So how r things up ur end? Might as well get some sort of structured convo going right now, as all we are doing now is fighting over imagenary cookies & what good has that ever done anyone!

My throat hurts
Im coughing
My nose is clogged with green gold!

Other than that im just fine! I got a feeling if us 2 keep at it we may be able to get there!!!!!!!!! Going to a gig this Sunday woooooooooooo ^_^ amongst many other gigs planned in the nearish future.

Happy bday btw lol, I shouldnt be so rude next time, how old u now? How can NOTHING happen on ur bday, surley a freak accident with ur cake lead to ur pet setting on fire! SURLEY!

U should come, its only a 7hr flight!

Cup cakes arent made of cups, nor do they resemble cups... or even taste like cups for that matter.... why are they called cup cakes?

I guess that makes sense but I still believe its false advertising, I might make a cup cake in literal sense and add a cup to a lot of batter mix.... im sure the worst thing that could happen is I could die.

Well *thinks*

I once jumped in a pond in winter when drunk
I threw up on my cat and then had the bright idea to open my door.... lets just say that werent nice
I once mixed up coffee with gravey and had coffee all over my dinner!
It took me an hour to find a house on my street.
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