the cutting thread

Treeves said:
Then whats the point of this thread?

You dont want help and you dont want advice

the point is where other ppl can say if they have or might think about it,

or somethin like that
SNiPeRViRuS said:
Thanks. I think I am going through a really hard ass time right now :( gotta listen to LP.

plz come bck...dont no u too well but ur a big part of the forum....u r accepted here....
Hey [LP]GotLinkinPark, I'm glad you're smart enough to well, know that cutting is bad and all. Don't risk your life, I hope your problems turn out fine and you stop cutting! It hurts to know people do it lol. You're an awesome and wonderful girl on here! Take care of yourself please!

Oh and Sniper, if you ever wanna talk about your problems or whatever, I'm *usually* on aim ^.^ I'm a good listener, apparently lol. =P I'm glad you're not a cutter either.
the rules re.
1.)don't make the person feel attacked
2.)don't push there button
3.)just listen to what they have to say.
4.)respect the persons choice
5.)just be there even if u don't like the persons choice
6.)don't just keep telling them they should stop..that is there choice
7.)just be respectful in here as much as u can

for the first two

don't make the person feel attackted.
reseason being is u could upset the person to where they don't wanna talk
for the number 2 don't push there buttons
reseason is because they could go and try to kill them self..

so i was giving why on the first two.

-Linkin Park Psycho
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
When did you feel attacked lpp? o_0 I won't attack you lol, I don't bite.

O.k, I NOW understand that this thread is not for helping people stop cutting... or giving sensible advice. There's nothing for me to say here in that case. ¬.¬

srry if i made u feel that way jen.

and the answer to when did i feel attacked?
is when i had to ppl gang up on saying i need to stop and ppl flaming me is when i feel attacked.

but i hope u all can follow the rules
The way you go about things it seems as tho your just doing this for attention, which is pretty stupid
im disabled and have 100's of reasons to slit my wrists, but i wont cause i wanna show people i can live through this
im not having a go at you, but latley people just cut for attention, or lie and say they have cause they think its cool and what not.
VinnyTheory said:
The way you go about things it seems as tho your just doing this for attention, which is pretty stupid
im disabled and have 100's of reasons to slit my wrists, but i wont cause i wanna show people i can live through this
im not having a go at you, but latley people just cut for attention, or lie and say they have cause they think its cool and what not.
i'm not doing it for that matter i do it forget about the world and my emotions.
and everything that has gone on in my life.

when i was younger my older brother and parents fought alot.
and my first best friend was misty she had the nerve to call one day and say i won't be talking to u in the halls because of new friends.
my second best friend ellie refuses to talk to me because i sent her a linkin park e card.

and i feel like i have to be strong for everyone in my family.

so i write everyday,i'm working on abook,writting poems.
and then i study website about eating disorders.
i play guitar,i took very little piano,.....i havetryed to play the trumpet but sucked. and i can't handle arugments,and i hate my life.
That true Treeves. Last year was my worst year ever because I lost all my friends and I was under a lot of stress. Now I have the best friends in the world, and I'm fine!!! But seriously lpp, I know people who are waaay worse than me. And my situation is worse than yours. Fighting-I fight with my family more than once a day. Friends-I lost all my friends last year. I just had to make new ones..........sry if this is considered "attacking."
stupidsoul1 said:
i agree with treeves i think u r just hanging out with the wrong people that dont deserve u anyways because u r better then that....

agreed, y put up with that when u deserve people who appreciate u?
lpp said:
i got permission from allied.

this is where i can tlk about my starting prob with cutting.

i have been cutting since the 6th of this month.

and i already have 4 on my wrist

um i dont get it...why do you cut your wrist?? what do you mean by "it feels great afterwards"? i dont get it at all!!!!
cecilia said:
um i dont get it...why do you cut your wrist?? what do you mean by "it feels great afterwards"? i dont get it at all!!!!

u wouldn't underdstand but i'm gonna say when ppl cut they mostly ahve emotions probs.....which is me and my best friend left me and hwen i cut just everything just washes away like what u re feeling and all ur worries wash away