the cutting thread

Ive been cutting for about 2 years now. I cnt remember the first time i did it, it just like came out of nowhere. I've tried stopping but i just cant. Using elastic bands or red pens n stuf just doesnt work for me. Any ideas how i could stop?
umm...i know what worked for me...but idk if it will for you...

umm... i changed religion...o_O... and started to meditate weekly... sunday nights... speaking of wich... i'm late today...owhell... i can start later tonight...

but yeah... i became pagen ... worked for me... but obviously my method isnt for everyone... please consult your doctor b4

but seriously i'd try the meditation... it can also help you sleep better...

my method is to start by relaxing my muscles groupe by groupe starting at the toes and working tward the head... and all the while envisioning a dark mist leaving your body at those points... the dark mist representing all your anger fear doubt... and any other negative emotions... i usualy fall asleep when i'm done... and i have the best night of sleep i get all week...

well...hope that's helpfull :thumbsup:
Dark Rain said:
umm...i know what worked for me...but idk if it will for you...

umm... i changed religion...o_O... and started to meditate weekly... sunday nights... speaking of wich... i'm late today...owhell... i can start later tonight...

but yeah... i became pagen ... worked for me... but obviously my method isnt for everyone... please consult your doctor b4

but seriously i'd try the meditation... it can also help you sleep better...

my method is to start by relaxing my muscles groupe by groupe starting at the toes and working tward the head... and all the while envisioning a dark mist leaving your body at those points... the dark mist representing all your anger fear doubt... and any other negative emotions... i usualy fall asleep when i'm done... and i have the best night of sleep i get all week...

well...hope that's helpfull :thumbsup:

^^Finally! Someone has an inkling of an idea what good meditating does! interested in Wicca. The only problem is my mum is really against it, she has even banned my brother from watching Charmed. I think she would probably throw me out if i turned Pagan but i will try the medetation thing though, thanks. :thumbsup:
Dark Rain said:
umm...i know what worked for me...but idk if it will for you...

umm... i changed religion...o_O... and started to meditate weekly... sunday nights... speaking of wich... i'm late today...owhell... i can start later tonight...

but yeah... i became pagen ... worked for me... but obviously my method isnt for everyone... please consult your doctor b4

but seriously i'd try the meditation... it can also help you sleep better...

my method is to start by relaxing my muscles groupe by groupe starting at the toes and working tward the head... and all the while envisioning a dark mist leaving your body at those points... the dark mist representing all your anger fear doubt... and any other negative emotions... i usualy fall asleep when i'm done... and i have the best night of sleep i get all week...

well...hope that's helpfull :thumbsup:
hmmm that sounds really interesting. I might try it since i can't seem to sleep properly these days

Oh and I have to say, I love your siggy
yeah, meditation helps me sleep, deal with stress et cetrea, ok so i have another question that is probly just gunna make waves but i dont' care because i want to know, ok so if you cut because it is something that you have control over, why is it addictivem and when you start to realize that you are adictted, don't you also realize that you dont' have as much control as you used to have?
acdcrules04 said:
yeah, meditation helps me sleep, deal with stress et cetrea, ok so i have another question that is probly just gunna make waves but i dont' care because i want to know, ok so if you cut because it is something that you have control over, why is it addictivem and when you start to realize that you are adictted, don't you also realize that you dont' have as much control as you used to have?
Good point, i never thought about that. Im not addicted though, i only seem to do it if summat happens 2 bring back really bad memories. And i dont really have controll over it, i know im doin it but at the same time i dont. I duno how 2 explain it.
acdcrules04 said:
i guess i can understand that its just that a lot of people have said things that contredict each other

I guess its different for every one. some might be able to control it, otehrs cant after a while. so its not really contradicting i think, just personal experience.
Marizka said:
I guess its different for every one. some might be able to control it, otehrs cant after a while. so its not really contradicting i think, just personal experience.

Yeah, its different for different people. I dont have controle over when i do it but my mate i found out was doing it said it was becuase she felt it was something she could controle.
There are loads of different reasons for ppl cutting and i think you cant really judge why there doing it enless you really know them. You shouldnt just say that everyone is cuts for the same reason becuase its not like that.
x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
Yeah, its different for different people. I dont have controle over when i do it but my mate i found out was doing it said it was becuase she felt it was something she could controle.
There are loads of different reasons for ppl cutting and i think you cant really judge why there doing it enless you really know them. You shouldnt just say that everyone is cuts for the same reason becuase its not like that.

yeah thats true, good point..there are some people who do it for attention, andu know who those people are they tell u when they do it, and when theyre gonna...

that annoys me, i know some people have problems, but a friendship is a two way thing...i always end up being the agony aunt to loads of my friends..only about 1 person at my old school knows alot about me...people who read my journal probably know more tan she does...

but yeah...people cut for diff reasons, and they really dont need people being judgmental...