The Da Vinci Code

jokersarewild said:
Or, if you read the book you might want to see it.

Only Idiots/rebellious teenagers make stupid-ass comments like that.

I didn't mean people who go see this movie because they enjoyed the book or liked the previews. I meant people who go see this movie just because it is controversial.
{I put this in a comment b4} Anyway....

Whatever you people do ..don't waste your money on this movie...don't even buy the DVD. but if you are one of those losers who is obsessed with the Da Vinci code and actually believes it's real, then go see it so that you can visualise the stupidity of it all.

I went to see the Da Vinci code the other day and I must say it did suck. First of all (as usual) I was sitting near some nasty old man who kept coughing up a storm and kept staring at me (creepy)...and as far as the movie goes well...the cast sucked miserably (they were all boring bobble heads), the only interesting parts of the movie were the two parts where they try and tell you all the crap like "Jesus was married" & boy did I have a good laugh when they said that plain Jane, French chick was the descendant of Christ!!! COMICAL! So then towards the end you might find yourself praying the movie would just bloody well END because it's so boring...especially the end - my God - watching tom hanks sitting down on a glass pyramid making different facial expressions is just not my idea of entertaining!

My overall opinion could have been affected by the nasty coughing dude sitting near me but I give this movie a generous 2.5/5
While many people believe the Da Vinci Code to be a work of fiction, it does not mean that their is not truth in the movie. The fact that Jesus was married to Mary of Magdala (or Magdalene) is pretty much fact. For those that they say read the bible, the marriage is in their. The reason Mary was regulated to prostitute was because the hypocritical catholic church didn't want a woman to be in a position of power. Pope Clement is the one who came up with the story of Mary being a whore.

And the stories of the bible are much older then the bible. The story of Jesus was written some 25,000 years before Jesus was even born. It is the story of Horace and Isis.
Mets86 said:
While many people believe the Da Vinci Code to be a work of fiction, it does not mean that their is not truth in the movie. The fact that Jesus was married to Mary of Magdala (or Magdalene) is pretty much fact. For those that they say read the bible, the marriage is in their. The reason Mary was regulated to prostitute was because the hypocritical catholic church didn't want a woman to be in a position of power. Pope Clement is the one who came up with the story of Mary being a whore.

And the stories of the bible are much older then the bible. The story of Jesus was written some 25,000 years before Jesus was even born. It is the story of Horace and Isis.

Try reading the bible...:rolleyes:

The reason that Mary Magdaline is considered a whore is because right after she is introduced, the bible talks about a whore. She is never called a whore outright.
Actually that is not true. They talk about a sinful woman. They never say what the sins are, and they never mention the woman by name. I do read the bible, because it is part of my homework. The bible is a book written in allegory, and for those who are able to know the allegory, are able to better understand the bible. To many people have been taught to just to accept the faith of the preacher, priest what have you.

To many people say that God is a mystery, yet Jesus says "Ask and the mysteries of god shall be revealed." So how mysterious can it be, if you are able to find out.
Mets86 said:
While many people believe the Da Vinci Code to be a work of fiction, it does not mean that their is not truth in the movie. The fact that Jesus was married to Mary of Magdala (or Magdalene) is pretty much fact. For those that they say read the bible, the marriage is in their. The reason Mary was regulated to prostitute was because the hypocritical catholic church didn't want a woman to be in a position of power. Pope Clement is the one who came up with the story of Mary being a whore.

And the stories of the bible are much older then the bible. The story of Jesus was written some 25,000 years before Jesus was even born. It is the story of Horace and Isis.
Wow. We've got someone who was actually there! Tell me, did they have a nice wedding, Jesus and Mary?
I just love how everyone thinks that what they have heard/read happened two thousand years ago is exactly what happened without exception. I especially love this part: "The fact that Jesus was married to Mary of Magdala (or Magdalene) is pretty much fact."
According to whom? Have you been down in to the secret underground of the Vadican to research the sacred document they hide there? I would love to hear about what else you found down there. Is that where they keep the body of Christ, you know, to insure the whole 'Jesus raising from the dead' thing?
I'm sorry, until another, more credible, source says otherwise, I'll just have to go on assuming the traditional view of events is correct.
Mets86 said:
To many people say that God is a mystery, yet Jesus says "Ask and the mysteries of god shall be revealed." So how mysterious can it be, if you are able to find out.
By 'mystery' I don't think he was talking about history or genealogy. Something tells me he was talking about something that goes a little deeper than that. Perhaps something spiritual, but that's just me. I wasn't there. Maybe, even back then, the only mysteries that really mattered involved gossip and who was sleeping with whom.
wolvesslasher said:
Only IDIOTS or/and rebellious teenagers would go see a movie just because it's "controversial".
Not really. Most people just want to see what all the hoopla is about. It has nothing to do with rebellion or intellect, simply curiosity, which is a common human trait.
ToriAllen said:
Not really. Most people just want to see what all the hoopla is about. It has nothing to do with rebellion or intellect, simply curiosity, which is a common human trait.

Whatever you want to call it, it happens all the time. No better way to ensure a money is going to make a HUGE amount of money. I have often wondered if people like the Pope don't get kickbacks from the makes of these movies in payment for him taking a stance against them.
Feckless Wench said:
I thought the film was the biggest load of horseshit that I have EVER insulted my ass cheeks by sitting though!

I feel the same way.....the story itself is completely ridiculous....but the movie just kills it...its like the icing on the cake, it just tops off how stupid the whole thing really is. Im glad they made this movie, so all the christians that were so worried about it can be put at ease!!!! I dont know how anyone with common sense could take it seriously after seeing it.
Ever since graduating from catholic school, I have been in favor of anything that annoys the hell out of the catholic church.

Ever since graduating from catholic school, I have been in favor of anything that annoys the hell out of the catholic church.

You musta got the smack with ruler treatment. :D
snafu said:
You musta got the smack with ruler treatment. :D

It was a thick leather strop, according to my old man.

There are "recovering" catholics everywhere. At least dad never got sodomised. :eek:
builder said:
It was a thick leather strop, according to my old man.

There are "recovering" catholics everywhere. At least dad never got sodomised. :eek:
Hello, I'm Phreakwars, and I'm a Cathoholic.

>begins sucking thumb and rocks body back and forth to sooth self<
phreakwars said:
Hello, I'm Phreakwars, and I'm a Cathoholic.

>begins sucking thumb and rocks body back and forth to sooth self<

Everybody says "Hello Phreakwars." So your a recovering Catholic. Would like to tell us your story Phreakwars?
Come on guys. It's not that bad. At least the higher ups have been trying to be more open to new ideas in the past few years. In fact, I'm beginning to think the Protestant churches are more closed minded than the Catholics. My grandmother, and her entire church, boycotted Harry Potter when it came out because it had magic and wizards/witches in it. She had a fit when I bought it for my son so I kindly pointed out that one of her favorite movies, Wizard of Oz, also had magic and wizards/witches in it. I just love the double standard and the blind, illogical thought.
ToriAllen said:
Come on guys. It's not that bad. At least the higher ups have been trying to be more open to new ideas in the past few years. In fact, I'm beginning to think the Protestant churches are more closed minded than the Catholics. My grandmother, and her entire church, boycotted Harry Potter when it came out because it had magic and wizards/witches in it. She had a fit when I bought it for my son so I kindly pointed out that one of her favorite movies, Wizard of Oz, also had magic and wizards/witches in it. I just love the double standard and the blind, illogical thought.

I'm not Catholic and never have been so i can't say how bad they are. But My mom being the oldest of 14 sibblings had to live in a Catholic orfanage. She said the nuns were bruttal. She won't step foot into a Catholic church anymore.
snafu said:
I'm not Catholic and never have been so i can't say how bad they are. But My mom being the oldest of 14 sibblings had to live in a Catholic orfanage. She said the nuns were bruttal. She won't step foot into a Catholic church anymore.
My grandpa has fond memories of terrorizing the nuns at the Catholic school he went to. My husband, on the other hand, was in a Christian boys home where he claims they tried to sell him on the black market. I think it depends on who you talk to, where the church was located, and who was in charge. There is good and bad in all groups, sects, and religions.