The Dark Knight


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New batman movie in the works

Joker(my fav comic character) is being portrayed by Heath Ledger...can't say I am thrilled about that.

What do you guys think/hope and expect from this next movie.

I'm a huge Batman fan.

SWEET!!!!!! I cant wait!!!! I love Batman!!!! Now I am just wish someone better was going to be the joker....Like.....Nicolas still that Rocks!!!!! :p :D


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I saw last year Batman returns and it was good not that I´m a big fan of him...but I doubt wheteher I´ll watch the next batman movie unless it calls my attention :p


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wtf heath ledger as the joker O_____o

yeahh hm.. idk lets hope its good cuz i love batman movies.



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I just can't wrap my mind around this whole Heath Ledger thing. To me, Jack Nicholson IS the Joker. Tim Curry (the studios' first choice) , Ray Liotta (Burton's first choice) Willem Dafoe, David Bowie, John Lithgow, James Woods, & Robin Williams (the finally choice before securing Jack) were all the considered for the original Batman(1989). I think that any one of those actors would still be a better option than Heath Ledger. But, I also heard that Joker is going to be like Alex in A Clockwork Orange. Joker isn't supposed to be a teenager galavanting around town enjoying the old ultr-violence. He's supposed to be out for revenge. I could be wrong, & I hope that I am. Michael Caine as Alfred, Gary Oldman as Lt. Gordon, & Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox...that I'll applaud. It's et for June '08, so I'm hoping by then Warner Brothers can convince me. Though, I'm sure I'll still wish that Burton directed it.


New member
Well remember its back in the beggining of the batman saga so obviously everones a tad bit younger...i think someone like adrian brody would be a good filler for joker

like a senial crazy pshycopath...not a clown...



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After thought: who I think would be a good choice as Joker....though he's older, is David Carradine. His laugh in Kill Bill Vol. 2 is quite Joker-esque.


New member
heath ledger? **** the movie is killed now...i think for the joker they should have chosen some one like james spader


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I personally didn't like 'Batman Begins' at all...the movie was not only boring, but filled with a plot that, in the end, doesn't add anything to the Batman idea or story in my opinion. I don't care if he was in China, or if his first villians were a obsessive-compulsive ninja and a 'villian' who likes to wear burlap sacks on his head and shower people in magic me, these are unnecessary and boring facts that don't add much to the story.

Batman Begins was just too slow and it insists upon itself. It tries way too hard to convince us of the plot and characters, rather then just showing it to us and letting us decide for ourselves.

I expect this movie to be much of the same, and I don't plan on seeing it at all. Nothing about it sounds good...and in my opinion it doesn't get any better then 'Batman' why bother re-making it? Its ridiculious.



New member
I personally didn't like 'Batman Begins' at all...the movie was not only boring, but filled with a plot that, in the end, doesn't add anything to the Batman idea or story in my opinion. I don't care if he was in China, or if his first villians were a obsessive-compulsive ninja and a 'villian' who likes to wear burlap sacks on his head and shower people in magic me, these are unnecessary and boring facts that don't add much to the story.Batman Begins was just too slow and it insists upon itself. It tries way too hard to convince us of the plot and characters, rather then just showing it to us and letting us decide for ourselves.

I expect this movie to be much of the same, and I don't plan on seeing it at all. Nothing about it sounds good...and in my opinion it doesn't get any better then 'Batman' why bother re-making it? Its ridiculious.

Well it depends from the perspective of the veiwer. I mean, you could say for example who would want to watch 'Professional' Wrestling when its is just a bunch of oiled men in tights touching each other. If you look at it from a negative side of course there are no positives. You have to understand the purpose and reason for watching it.

BB was good in the sense that it wasnt some special effects cheezy flick like the past ones. It gives us a backdrop so that they can build on it.



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The first official photo is in. Also, call this number to here a secret message from the Joker: 1-800-395-9646



New member
iut looks crazy! i wann watch this movie...even if its a looks awesome and action packed, batman begins wasnt too bad, it was alot better than i thought, hopefully this one too

also..the Dark "K"night, not night....because we all know night is spose to be dark...

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