The Dark Side

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Aug 8, 2004
Murdaland, USA
Do you remember a time when remixes thrived the world of Linkin Park? A time when the vast majority of us begged for copies of Acid and Cool Edits to make our own music? When Dj Bloodfrost was the master and we all cowered to his excellence? Well thoes days are long gone and sadly we have been forced to move on. But a light in the distance provides hope. It shows itself in the form of "The ****." The album that will clearly go down as the best mashup/remix Linkin Park mixtape is coming. From the cleverly originaly titles such as Intro or mix 1, one can only assume the numerous possibilites being injected into the sound of this mixtape. Running 7 tracks long this mixtape will not have an official track list, and refuses to be part of the norm. With complex layering and 10 MB sized songs Reflectionist will deliver music that will soon hope to step in the path of Dj Bloodfrost. The only question remains is are you ready for the whole mixtape by Reflectionist?

The **** is coming, can you smell it?
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"The **** is coming, can you smell it?"

HAHA, Genius dude!

To anyone who can guess the next remix that's coming, I'll give a rep point. I know it's not much, but it's all I can give.

There's a pattern, Listen between the two. With a little luck, you'll figure it out.
Essentially the problem is I outgrew LP so much and got so bored playing with their limited sound that I never have and never will look back :(
well that's your decision, Stenman... lol

My pattern is that I'm using a sample from the next track in the current track

And just so it doesn't ruin it for anyone else... I won't mention if you're right here, you'll know if I give you +rep. :)
ahaha "the **** is coming,can you smell it?" damn thas original


i dont think the remix scene has halted, its just, not had the quality of past like ref and djblood, good to see ref is getting back into it somewhat, been waiting for genuine remixes
listen to minutes to midnight a bit more

pay attention to little details, guitar riffs, drum patterns, turntable sounds, etc.
I don't like the name and slogan at sounds really bad.

The intro is kinda old...we've had that sample for a long time :( it'll serve good as an intro though.

however, ITE is dope as ****. niiiiiiiiiice remix. can't wait for more.
Thanks for the kind words everyone!!

Hey, get this stuff around to everyone you know. Post it on other LP forums, the LPU, see if we can get Shinoda to listen to this. That'd really make my day.
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