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I dont think there are any, I'm pretty much a one kid delson riot. go figure. *muwahaha they cant ignore me* maybe I should restaff.
*cracks up laughing* Yep, you be forgetting your place again bud ^_^XD thats all good...whoops. not the place for that. n_n
lol! I remember that episode! cracked me up haha. Cartman is funny...(even though I'm a jew *shifty eyes*)Thanks! Dradle maybe? *shrugs* Said it before and say it again; Rav = Not a Jew. But it's no slight on those that are, just stating a rather obvious fact. But yes, I know what it is. Has anyone watched 'South Park' (y'know with Cartman and Stan and Kyle and Kenny etc)Just reminded me instantly of a song Cartman sings as he's ripping on Kyle, his Jewish friend, as he oft does. The song; 'Jews play stupid games.' I needen't go on with the rest but it just cracked me up. Reminded me of it, that's all. Ah... memories.
But thanks. *grabs toy and starts spinning* Woo-hee! Never had so much fun without looking at a computer screen... hmm... that didn't come out right... *laughs* Y'know what I mean... maybe *raises a Rob-brow*
Shifty eyes! *LMAO* Love that visual.! I remember that episode! cracked me up haha. Cartman is funny...(even though I'm a jew *shifty eyes*)
Notice how Rob fans are also Brad fans?