Rawr... weird. It's meant to be first names. Like Tomkat and Brangelina. I guess I'd better be my real self then. But given he's only got three letters makes it hard! Guess I could use his full name too them for this experiment. (Wow, look who has too much time on her hands)
Rachert, Robel (hahaha) Rochel (to girly)... where's the paparazi when you need them?!
As for DF2 - what do you have in mind?
I think people are so used to the original way they'd get confused or lost if we tried to do it any other way. Not that I have anything against change, I'm all for a healthy advancement, and lets face it, we've stagnated, but I don't want to run the risk of falling flat if you get my drift.
But you know what, I personally think change is healthy. Lets do it. Let's do this again. Who am I cheating on/with/for/thinking about/chatting up/marrying/divorcing/stealing/mothering/adopting now?
?? 0_0 ??