The FOC-Fans Of Chester


New member
Noted. He is adorable aint he?! I have so many pics of just chaz in this folder I got that I feel like I am leaving Mike and the rest out. *sughs* oh well there isnt much I can do about it though. I'd post them but I dont have a scanner or a scanner/printer type deal.
yeah, u'r so right..:rofl:

random again!!!!!!lolol

ok, let's go back to CHESTER....

I dont know what to say bout him... :lol:

ok, lets POST!!!!!!!



chester 90'09.jpg

chester guitar.jpg

chester summer_sonic_06_-_day_2_LP--large-msg-116440266132.jpg

chester ts015vi4xq.jpg



New member
yup :D

i found this picture in my folder...didn't know i have it :D


hmm....ok... :lol:

and i just love this 2 pics



sorry if they were already posted

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New member
The first pic was funny and yes I do believe that our dear Chaz is drunk,lol. I just love seeing his smile, call me weird or whatever but whenever Mike and Chaz or Eli smile it puts my mind at ease which is not an easy thing to do anymore.


New member
Hi, mates!! How are you? I Hope you're ok.. well, this is my first message here, in FOC; the reason of it is.. well, because I like Chester too, but the real reason is 'cos I need you, all of you, please HELP ME!!:help: The fact is this one: I've met a guy who is the biggest fan (near to be a groupie although he is boy :D ) of Guns'n Roses and he told me Axl cant be compare with Chester because:

1- Chester is like a rock in a show. He doesnt do anything. He's just quiet.. :eek: (yeah, my face was as same the smilies one)

2-He said too and put ATTENTION 'cos this one is even more incredible.. Chester hasnt voice. You know, Chester can not change his tone of voice as Axl :eek: :eek:

So, you see; this guy needs a lesson about not to say foolish things when you dont have even an idea!! So, please, if you have a vid or something like this (I think a pic wouldnt be enough) or even if the same Chester would you like to come, although I dont think so, I believe we can demonstrate about whom this guy is talking to... >:eek: THANKS A LOT!!:thumbsup:

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