Hi, mates!! How are you? I Hope you're ok.. well, this is my first message here, in FOC; the reason of it is.. well, because I like Chester too, but the real reason is 'cos I need you, all of you, please HELP ME!!:help: The fact is this one: I've met a guy who is the biggest fan (near to be a groupie although he is boy
) of Guns'n Roses and he told me Axl cant be compare with Chester because:
1- Chester is like a rock in a show. He doesnt do anything. He's just quiet..
(yeah, my face was as same the smilies one)
2-He said too and put ATTENTION 'cos this one is even more incredible.. Chester hasnt voice. You know, Chester can not change his tone of voice as Axl
So, you see; this guy needs a lesson about not to say foolish things when you dont have even an idea!! So, please, if you have a vid or something like this (I think a pic wouldnt be enough) or even if the same Chester would you like to come, although I dont think so, I believe we can demonstrate about whom this guy is talking to... >
THANKS A LOT!!:thumbsup: