The FOC-Fans Of Chester

Dark Angel said:
What kind of team?'s a team that will help me work some things out
i have like a chester presentation...u'll see
it will be rready soon i hope.....:)
ohhh rav thanx a lot,u're sooooo right with what u've said i guess i would post some pics of my room too....i'm a chaz obsesser u're right...i addore the guy
i have a full covered wall with pics of chester and posters of linkin park...i have an album and an agenda and lots of things with linkin thing i'm very proud of is that i have their's like a dream come true for me....
i've been collecting pics and info about linkin park specially chester for years ...i'm the biggest chester fan
so i guess u're not mad cause hybrid said i kinda stold your idea but i guess i wanted to be the one that starts a thread like this cause chester is my "little" obsession just like rob is yours
and yeah you're right i have the pics u posted but it doesn't matter....i have around 5500 pics with lp on my computer and almos all are with chester so yeah,i know,everyone says i'm crazy.......i guess i am,i don't know
*laughs* Wow, and there I was thinking I was obsessed! Ah, it's all good. I'm sure Chas the man himself would appreciate the fact he has fans as dedicated as you around - just the ones going through his trash or whatever would be a pain in the you-know-what *laughs again*

Man, and I was thrilled at having around 1000+ pics of Rob (not bad for 6 months - yes, that's how long my Rob obsession has been in action! *gasp!* Don't tell anyone... oops! *chuckles*) hey, I only wish I was half as obsessed about Rob as you are with Chas *drops to her knees and bows at dany's feet* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy! Heck, I gave Chas 3 years, now it's Bobbie's turn *dreamy sigh*

Speaking of autographs, I 'won' the bands Autographs at an eBay auction just over 2 months ago from when they were doing Ozzfest, 01 I think that was. Plus the seller sold me additional Rob autographs, 2xphotos and a drumstick, and it all came close to around $100AUD (Australian dollar that is). Sounds great... except for the fact it got 'lost' in the mail and I never recieved any of it! It almost makes me want to cry! I do however own a drumstick that I also won at eBay that Rob himself was supposed to have used in concert (don't recall which) and that is the jewel in my collection. I was waiting for the other Rob stuff to come to have it all professionally mounted and stuff, so yeah... can't do that now, I was ripped off! Needless to say I'm mad as all hell... and very envious of you for actually having them.

Anyway... hope you have fun with the Chas-religion-obsession thing here. Take care and all the best,

x_Hybrid_Angel_x said:
oooooo a Chaz club! Yay!
Ill join the team aswell if you want, i dont get what i would have to do though. I confuse easily :confused: :rolleyes:
Then that makes 2 of us! I'll join though as well.
Hey, by the way, if this is going to be like the other clubs or churches, can I be part of security? *bounces up and down hopefully*
This is a chaz club?! i so wanna be in! *bounces up and down* PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH, and can i be in secerity? *stands very scary in her leather coat* lol.
ok ppl i see that a lot of u have been coming to this thread so i guess i'll put it this way
rav would u love to be my assistent?and i know u are in the cob too but anayway maybe u can make time.....:)
dark angel and grey foxx will be a part of security...
i'm prepairing a surprise for all the chester fans so keep in touch....
til then more pix ......*drolls again*


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Hybrid Soldier said:
I know its not that good, but I just randomly decided to make it
and thanx hybrid...i like the way it looks
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Oh can I join? I know Im in the CoB, but Im a huge fan of Chester as well as Rob. maybe I can be...the chef/caterer just like in the CoB? maybe? I dunno. Anyway I LOVE the pics Dany and Rav!
guys,anyone can join it doesn't matter if he's in the other churches or not
i guess all the ones that want to be in the club just have to be big chester fans or a least like him a bit
we'll see what goes on....
can i plz join? stole my idea, lmao

lol trust chester club to have rude names - Coc (****) - Foc (****), i find it so funny
more pix *drolls*


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dany said:
dark angel and grey foxx will be a part of security...
Yeah! *Gets dressed in all leather* I think leather will be a good idea for security Greyfoxx, what do you think?

LPGirl said:
lol trust chester club to have rude names - Coc (****) - Foc (****), i find it so funny
Thanks LPGirl! I came up with the bold one! It just came out by accident, oh well!