The funniest thing about suicide bombers...

Thermite Wielding Troll

Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2005
...Is when they blow and and don't get anyone else. Confetti, yay!

I mean, the guy was gonna make a grisly silhouette of himself on a wall anyway, right? But here he is, looking to take someone out, and poof , no more terrorist shithead, whilst everyone else looks on and says "WTF was his problem?"

Honestly, it is great when they catch these people before they go the way of a party popper, and actually get them to realize what they were about to do to themselves and help them get a real reason to be alive. But I wonder if this **** could be abated by a contempt for those who commit this act? A consensus on the worthlessness of those who did such things may just help others to decide not to waste their lives in such a misguided way.

Well, that and hanging the cowards who convince their betters to go out to die and take innocents with them for a useless, pointless "cause" from a tree. Blowing them up with rockets is pretty smooth, too.

Oh yeah, and when innocent Palestinians die because ****head terrorist leaders hide amongst them, their blood is on the hands of the ****head terrorist leaders. Don't hide among the civilians, you pussies. Or don't justify the end of your existance by blowing up someone else's innocents. Thank you.
Thermite Wielding Troll said:
Don't hide among the civilians, you pussies. Or don't justify the end of your existance by blowing up someone else's innocents. Thank you.

Who you talkin' to? look behind me .
Damn phreak,you let some terrorists join GF?
Don't you dare say, ''YOU!!''
"You pussies" would refer to the ****head (adjective added for effect) terrorist leaders in the sentences before the one quoted, of course :)

Murder is so much easier than war. And, of course, those are the only options left for enforcing your ideals when you are so blatantly wrong...
Violence is never a solution, and somehow, this message is never understood by the likes of you
CSB said:
Violence is never a solution, and somehow, this message is never understood by the likes of you
Why didn't all those Singapore ****s drown in a Tsunami ?? Now we got them on GF... SHEESH..