The Hard Truth: 81% Think US on Wrong Track -- 78% Think Nation WorseOff than 5 Years Ago -- Only 28

On Apr 8, 10:19 pm, wrote:
> On Apr 4, 12:24 pm, HarryNadds <> wrote:
> > Still considerably higher than the approval rate of the democrat
> > "dream team" congress.

> -
> The Republicans in Congress have even lower approval ratings than the
> Dems. No surprise, really.

It is very strange, and I think ultimately self-defeating, the
ultraconservatives keep ranting and raving about Congress having a
lower approval rating then Bush, when as you say, it is the
Republicans in Congress who have a lower rating then the Democrats.

In addition, the shrieking of "What are the Democrats doing about it?"
only serves to remind people that it is both the Senate Republicans
AND a Republican President who are continually blocking the
Democrats from passing legislation.

The people did give the Democrats a mandate in the November 2006
elections, one that both the Congressional Republicans and Bush have
continually ignored. Even if you hear news only briefly for time to
time, you are certain to encounter that such and such bill was block
by Republicans or voted by Bush.

And coming up next, a help-the-owner-with-his-mortgage bill that might
get pasted the Senate in watered-down form but Republican Bush said he
will already voted.

After having sent how many millions of dollars to bail out one of the
company's that ****ed up the mortgages in the first place?

Republicans = Steal from the poor and give to the rich.

I certainly see that as hurting the Republicans further with the vast
majority of the American people.

-Tom Sr.