The "Have you ever" Thread

no, cause they don't care. *poor me*

Have you ever encountered yourself in a situation where u are forced to drink something nasty?

*I just did a while I ago. Lol*
Yeah I did. And I remember that was just last year.

Have you ever been overpowered by people who dislike Linkin Park?

*Yeah I did. My f*ckin brother keeps on saying his pussycat dolls are more talented than Linkin Park. I hate him to death! >_<*
well, my friends don't really like them as much as i do. But we just kid around like i'd go, "Linkin Park blahblahblahblah" and they'd go "Linkin Park sucks..." and i'd go "O_O NO THEY DO NOT" And they would change the subject because they dont' want to listen to me go on...

have you ever seen a dinoaur?