the hope you get will thread


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2005
this is to wish ppl who are sick with something to get better

and i wanna make this thread to tc7.

so go on and wish people to get better.
I want to tell myself that I hope my wrist gets better. I hurt it about a month or 2 ago and the doctor diagnosed it as a sprain and said it would heal perfectly in 2 weeks. Well, it's been a while, and it still hurts me. Not sharp pains like before, but just soreness and stuff.
^ Lol you're not old =P But I hope you feel better soon! The whether sucks.

On that subject, I hope my sister gets better from her cold. I sleep in the same room as her and I don't want to catch it lol >.> So umm, get well soon Janet. Or I'll blame you if I end up with a sore throat, runny nose and all those other symptons lol.
twilightcrimson7 said:
ugh! I feel like crap again! IT NEVER ENDS!
I'm gunna call my dad to pick me up, i can't take it here anymore (mom's house)
why what happend ? =(
*offers a hug*
i have a throat infection and its made my throat really tickly....
but i want my dad to get better, he's sick in the head