The hottest chick ever! Part 2

What does that have to do with them being hot. Stop reading so deep into ****. All we are doing is posting pictures of hot girls. Their are plenty of hot sluts out there, but they are still hot.
ATLien said:
What does that have to do with them being hot. Stop reading so deep into ****. All we are doing is posting pictures of hot girls. Their are plenty of hot sluts out there, but they are still hot.

Thats I think Carmen Electra is really pretty.



That's my girl, right there. Her name's Deven Davis, wife of Korn's Jonathan. Ex-porn star(if you count three movies a career in porn), model, and sometime feature stripper. She's just had a baby boy, too. I love that girl. :D
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If anyone was to marry a porn star (only 3 movies, I know), it would be Jonathan Davis lol, after all these songs, (good songs actually) Porno Creep, A.D.I.D.A.S. and more.