The Hottest Chick Thread ~Revived~

Who The Hell Is The Hottest Chick Of 2005??

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^^ not only did i get to see this.. but i got to take the picture haha.

all pictures of my friend kari... not the big ****, fake face, 100 pounds of makeup hot, but the one to bring home to mom. me and her are real tight, she lives right next to me she's probably my best friend.. so yeah, there ya go.
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Spike_1412 said:
You lucky F**ker.
I must admit, your friend is pretty hot.
haha, thanks, that was a good idea by LP186 to post pics of REAL people, i like to see that more.. i think i posted pics of my girlfriend here lol like 2 months ago... maybe i'll post them again, if i can find where they are.

All my friends. :) Dont know what cha'll think but since we were posting real peeps figured might aswell put them up.
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