The Hottest LPFer Ever Finals

Who's The Hottest LPFer...Ever?

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I won sexiest Male though the is only one winner techniqually im not the hottest member but the hottest male (according to the peoples) shinodabear did draw with me but that was after the deadline.
Stenners said:
I won sexiest Male though the is only one winner techniqually im not the hottest member but the hottest male (according to the peoples) shinodabear did draw with me but that was after the deadline.
no, cuz even though we did draw, if i were to put my vote in, i would vote for you since i've won this before and that there's no difficulty. :thumbsup: we are both sexy sexy men... (i'm saying this in the most herterosexual way posible).

Name: Chris L.
Color: Blue
Favorite Part of LPF: The Hottest Women Threads
Talent: Ummm, web design??
How will I use my hottness, well I would put more pictures of my self up so next time I can get a super kewl moving image above instead of just a sit still!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Why should I win? I shouldn't, here are much better looking people on this site!
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