The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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The last thing I need is to get some stupid crush on a girl I will never have a chance with, even if pigs flew and the devil got frostbite.

But, wow, I just had too anyway.
uwantme2b said:
I feel good. Tired. And sick, but never mind. I'm used to that.
Need sleeeep...

aww *huggles and gives..ermm feel good teddy*
<3 u becks

im really scared and tired...dunno why seeing as all i seem to do is sleep0_o
azemkamikaze03 said:
what the **** is huggles?

Azk is very shleepy

a huggle 0_o i sounds like a cute hug though..dont know how thats possible but it is in my world^^
poor azei

*huggles bobby* hope that ur day does improve though! <3 u
that is gross...lmfao
huggle is cute, dont dis what you havent tried..^^
*huggles azem in an attacky sort of way* mwhahahahahaha
Huggle-A cross between a hug and a snuggle. This being something that is only done online. It would be quite difficult to do IRL. Primarily used to offer condolenses or display friendship toward someone. Often used after a sentence to show emotion.

I'm sorry about your loss. *huggles*
Thank you for dinner last night. *huggles*
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