The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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I do not smoke.

Anyways, I am in exasperating pain. Owww...

Stupid alcohol and work related injuries ganging up on me!
i have so much anger inside of me..i SWEAR that i'm capable of murder. that's why i'm isolated in my room avoiding contact with any person. for their own sake. LPF keeps me sane today

why i'm angry? to make a freakin long story short: boyfriend and best friend related. you do the math.
tried i just woke up and have to go to skool in an hour,so i have to have a shower, make lunch, eat breakfast, do my hair and get dressed YAY me.. no frikin hair dryer, dam mum she blew it up
Lol my hairdryer blew still works if the wire is dead straight but you are at risk of setting fire to your hair so i have to just let mine dry naturally now and spent 3 hours straightening it.

I'm feeling hmmm...i dont know how im feeling. I'm feeling rather blank.
Grr..idk why anyone would watch the vma's, its all live preforamnces and awards.

Any way my mood is: ****ed up!
right now i feel depressed, confused, angry, psycotic, and still hungry.
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