The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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I'm good.
I swear nothing could piss me off right now,i feel so calm and mellow...hehe.
Plus i'm still working on my costum even though i only have like what 4 more days i know it's gonna be awesome!
And i have been listening to Hypnotize for the last 24 hours over and over it's so...Coooool.
Perkasets kickass...
teeth hurt(feel soft O.0) cuz i got my frontal spring taken out of my braces (hehe my teeth are perfectly stright now) but hm.. i still need to wear them for another 4 months >_<.
actually throughout this week i feel...INLUV! yes...such an unusual feeling to me...but.. hopefully i wont get heart broken....
how i feel i don't know i can't decide i'm mad then sad then happy then depressed then i feel pitty for myself so i don't know i get confused sometime's thinking how do i feel today
Just got my photos into this one contest at the last moment...

..but they are in, and the two people who where there when I turned em in loved em... so Im happy. :D
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