The 'How you feelin' thread 2.0

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i'm a bit nervous today, my sister is going in hospital to have her baby and its a big operation. shes having a boy and i can't wait to meet him. will post back to tell you how everything went :)

EDIT: baby was born this morning 10:40 weighing 9lb, mother and baby are both well, he has the fattest cheeks i've ever seen. i'm sooooooo happy :)
Aww poor Foxx *hug* :)

Yay allie thats so cool... <3 babies :D But when they turn into a toddler... gah >.<

I'm okay today... not great, but not terrible.
my mum just gave me a pile of ironing to do =(
*cries* its gonna take me aggggggggggggges
ahh well i'll go put on a disney move^^ lol
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