The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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i feel not good...have the feel i become ill...headache...but i will maybe go to my FIRST concert on the 8th of november*cough*yeah but i feel REALLY ill right now...
Thrilled cause of the new sig that my sis the ever-talented Robsessing twin of mine Jojo so devotedly slaved over for me... I think I'm in love again... but aside from that not so good. Friggin' ear infection. Been deaf in one ear for going on three days now, makes work in a hectic kitchen just that much more enjoyable, and to top it all off the Xmas staff party is on tonight and I HAVE to go. Boss's orders. Oh yeah. Cant hardly hear and my sense of balance is shot but hey lets add copius amounts of alcohol and take us to a busy club where I'm gonna be hard pressed to hear to begin with and then what?? Christ! I'm not a happy camper. I'm so sick of the sound of my own voice now I'm considering taking a vow of silence... put the ranter tag to bed I say.
Dang it.
Other than that, yeah, peachy :D

Theres not enough time in a day

There are so many things I dont have time to do
--- Take photos for a contest
--- Create an online portfolio
--- Sell T-Shirts online
--- Sell my photos online

School is long, boring, and annoying
[It takes time away from what I really want to do. (see above)]

LP needs to get their goddamn album out

Im tired and dont feel like working...
...which I also should be doing.
[Big History project that is already late.]

*plods on through life*

*sigh* :rolleyes:
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