The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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"My butt's become so numb I can't feel it there..."

Been sitting here on the floor at my laptop for like 5 hours now. Better get my numb-butt to bed I guess! XD
Ravynlee said:
"My butt's become so numb I can't feel it there..."

Been sitting here on the floor at my laptop for like 5 hours now. Better get my numb-butt to bed I guess! XD

i get that when i have double history bc for some reason they removed all the chairs in the careers room. so yeah and leg cramp! absolute shitdom! it worst enough having to here some 60 year old woman gas on about hitler for an hour and half with your arse dying on you

mmm, i feel whiney!

another thing i had my godson sleep over last night, hes like 6 months old and jeez it was hard work...i had to change hes nappy like every five seconds bc i over fed him! then he was sick everywhere on my bed!!! and cried...kept me up for ages and then decides to finnally go to bed!!

apart from that he was an utter pumpkin ^.^
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