The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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angry...found out some of my friends caused me and my g/f to break up cuz they felt they were 'losing her' as a friend =.= damn the ****ing world =/
Peterdea said:
im still pissed off and depressed only now it's worse...
*squeeze hugs* There's no such thing as depression when Jojo is here for you!!! <3 <3 <3

I'm feeling ok apart from the fact that I have to go to work in 1 and a half hour... Me lazy...:D
now im just tired :D

crazy robster said:
*squeeze hugs* There's no such thing as depression when Jojo is here for you!!! <3 <3 <3

I'm feeling ok apart from the fact that I have to go to work in 1 and a half hour... Me lazy...:D
thanks jojo :D

P.S. you can always... fake-a-sicky... but um, i um, im not saying, you know, do it im just sayin... do it? lol (dont do it jojo :p)
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