The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I'm alright just pissed
The ****ing Cops tried blaming
me of breaking into some ****ing thing I never even go near
or I never even ****ing go to >.<
I never knew the ****ing place existed til tonight ****ing Cops >_<
Black_Angel said:
I'm ill =[ Got a headache and I'm freezing cold.

Buuut I've taken some paracetamol so hopefully I'll be okay ^_^
huggles alison..

I'm ****ing worried cause Nici is in turkey in some game centre and she's been online for 2 hours.. only she walked away from the computer and even left her webcam on.. where the **** is she!?!
I feel scared in a way because I fainted about 5 hours ago....... which wasnt fun I have cut my head and arm as a result........ Apparently the fainting was cause by overwhelming stressed soooooooo I guess im kinda stressed to o_O
Stenners said:
I feel scared in a way because I fainted about 5 hours ago....... which wasnt fun I have cut my head and arm as a result........ Apparently the fainting was cause by overwhelming stressed soooooooo I guess im kinda stressed to o_O

are you okay!? That sounds horrible.

I'm wide awake! [in my mind at least] I'm slowly beginning to calm down, but whatever (lol) so yea... I'll probably be up all night & not sleep at all. Who cares? hehehe I don't. It's normal for me :)

btw, Stenners... you get to hit me! & I'm sure you can remember why. :D
i feel like...rock'n'roll
*Xero starts dancin' and singin' "Ya'll should be dancin' YEAHH"
Xero_ said:
i feel like...rock'n'roll
*Xero starts dancin' and singin' "Ya'll should be dancin' YEAHH"
I feel tired and hungry.. I haven't slept.. again ¬ ,¬
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