The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I feel extremely happy cause I just made my first sig!!! And I love my lil bro Len cause if it weren't for him, I wouldn't have been able to make anything!!! Thanks bro!!! Luf ya!!!
hmm Idunno...kinda emo I think
just watched some touching stuff on TV...sad things

makes me wanna write...too bad I don't have time
Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever said:
Bored, tired, slightly depressed
^ Why??? Awww... Hope you feel better now though!!

Um... I'm upset cause I'm almost out of Milo (its like my 'thing', I can't function without it!) But other than that - okay. My back's sore from work... blah, bitch bitch bitch, moan moan moan, complain complain complain Rav sheesh! Haha...

Naw it's all good. Cold, tired... and my leg's itchy 0_0 That about covers it for now...
*Prepares some Milo supplies, some Greek heat and Rob to massage her shoulders and scratch her legs and sends them to her sis*....Happy now my sweet??? Anything for my sista!!!!!! :)
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