The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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My ring stings from the Vindaloo I had last night :(

And yes I have heard the 2nd Pirates Of The Carribean is meant to be essentially a 2 n a half hour trailer for the final installment as in nothing happens and it just leads up to the final one...... as in when it starts to get good it ends lol.
Great actually - well I was! Watching Jackass the movie and its making me laugh so hard like I haven't laughed in ages! Except... one guy's continuously throwing up right there on the screen and I'm suddenly feeling queasy... >.<
Its all good! Haha
I dont associated Armagedon with sad o_O I associate it with big rocks lil people which always ends out bad!

Im normal I guess :)
I'm tired. Today was a very great day. I'm glad Robby came over because I needed a break from the real world &&& now I'm just tired. I've been sleeping since he left & I'm just like worn out... [dies]
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