The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I feel ew. I was doing great with the weight loss and everything but then this weekend I went out of town with family and so we ate out and stuff. I swear I've gained like 5 pounds. Ok, not that much, but still! I feel like throwing up.
I'm kinda sad, me and Will were fighting yesterday and today. *sigh*
But I'm not mad at him (and he's not mad at me *I THINK!*) right now.
And school tomorrow...
I don't mind school, but waking up at 5:30am. **** that...
Besides that **** I'm pretty happy. :)
Oh, now i'm feelin' emotional and ****...Diana, I Heart Andre!!!! He was so nervous at the US Open, did you saw him? :( I'm goona miss seeing him in action I like your av and sig ;)
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