The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Hey happy impending b'day Keza, sounds like you're already celebrating, bless ya ;)

Me; my neck and shoulders hurt, physical labour and all *meh* cause work sucks. Most of the time ;) Payday's good though! Its the light at the end of a long, dismal and monotanous tunnel... damn RL sucks too. Haha. Have a whinge Rav, have a whinge...
Red-flagging it. Was late for TWO WEEKS! Damn... now I'm paying for it *cries*
And... frustrated. Issues. See what comes of it.

BUT am talking to my sis so I am HAPPY! <3 the twinship. Aint never seen two people take a shared obsession to whole new level (unallowed by various restrictions and so forth on such a forum 0_0 ) *muahahaha*

Bless us
arww thankies rav<333
*gives yoo massage*
feel better honeh yer

ima scaredleh
home alone
i dunno how im ever gonna live on my own
i get scared
i feel lonely :(
Long weekend, everyone's out, my family's out looking at leaves (T_T)
And i'm home alone (since i refused to go) and eating cup noodles
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